Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Can someone confirm if this is true?

Iv heard about 3 of them anyway, all men in their 30s to be buried in the next few days. None of them would have known each other in any meaningful way. Iv never known anything like it, desperate situation. One was a lad in NZ, home now to be buried.


I heard about that lad in nz, saw a go fund me but wasn’t aware if the circumstances. Awful news.

When I was in my teens to twenties I’d have known/known of close to 20 lads from my school who killed themselves.

One lad who I sat beside in accounting and the smartest lad you’d meet lost his way a bit after college and killed himself. I think that shocked me the most.

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20 lads in one school?


Yeah over a decade or so.

One lad few years younger than me tried to kill himself. Jumped off flyover onto motorway. Broke his two legs. Badly smashed. But Survived. In hospital for a couple of months. Got out. Out a week and he’d hung himself.


Yeah. My aul lad was a psychiatric nurse. Only time I ever saw him properly broken was when his best mate son hung himself one Sunday morning while family was downstairs.

I think the aul lad thought he should have seen it coming.


They knew @TheUlteriorMotive

That’s phenomenal. What was the story for that many was their massive poverty or something ?

Lads won’t like me saying this but a common denominator for a lot of them was cannabis. Not saying that caused it as that’s too simplistic but most or all of them smoked it and I’d say it played a part of some kind. One lad killed himself over drug debts of a couple of grand.


Dropped his girlfriend at the airport, she was coming home for a visit. By the time she landed news of what happened had already arrived.
The girlfriend of another of them had taken her own life 7 months ago.
I’d always assumed late teens and 20s was the real at risk age, these 3 all being in their 30s has added to the shock of it.


Ah no :cry: fucking hell

20 is a shocking number from the one school in such a short space of time…

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A man in his 70s also

Maybe the reason why they smoked cannabis in the first place was because of an underlying issue.Self medication?

This is just fucked up. Not a cricket fan but if everything we said when we were 18 was thrown up! sure where would you hide?


It’s one thing saying it, it’s another thing to tweet it. Every person who becomes famous should just delete all their social media accounts. It’d be safer for them

Aye but tweeting is the modern saying. I know my idiot 18 year old me said the dumbest of things. To have that effect on the more mature me is ridiculous

you are right though once you hit the headlines get off social media

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Any savvy teen is off everything apart from snapchat