Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

what’s that? :confused:

This is fucked up

He tweeted it back before tweeting was a thing really. It’s absolutely insane he’s being suspended. We preach tolerance as a society, yet do this to a lad making his international debut who said something silly as a teenager.

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Peak woke innit?

On the morning his tweets were shared online, England shared a ‘moment of unity’ with the tourists, with Root’s side wearing T-shirts carrying messages of anti-discrimination.

Doesn’t seem absolutely insane at all. It seems like he was pulled for one game, for obvious reasons, and will be back to make his debut later. Given the timing it was clearly the right move.

World’s gone do lally can’t open one’s mouth atm


What did his tweet say? Clicked on link but couldn’t access article.

there is an app to delete old tweets

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I’m gonna set up a company aimed at the agents of young professionals, solely with the objective of wiping everything their clients ever said or did online off the face of the planet.

If I cant manage it 100% efficiently, then I’ll just shoot them in the face. It’ll be less painful for them.


he sounds like the sterotypical stupid meat head young English lad going out to Ibiza after doing his A level exams. Nothing he said there you would say looks good or is innocent, but is fairly fucking dumb and needs a kick in the hole. You’d have hoped growing up a bit in the intervening 9 years, he did that and to punish him now for something he wrote trying to he the Danny Dyer of twitter is more of this cancel culture that aims to destroy people for foolish things. He absolutely could be a racist misogynistic prick, but it would be better to cancel him if he is still like that, not when he was a dumb teenager 9 years ago.


Agreed but actually those are awful. I’d no idea some of them were that bad.
Thick cnut.

incredibly thick cunt. but that was when he was a lot younger and a lads lad. which is no excuse, but he is being punished now for something he did a long time ago. he was also tagging his mates in it so it was obviously stupid laddish behaviour trying to show off and be edgy.

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Some Tory minister has come out and supported this chap. I was unaware becoming famous or successful was a cure for racism but there you go. Same day the Tory government refused to condemn those that gave England players grief for an anti racism campaign. They were happy enough to condemn Macus Rashford. UK is going downhill fast when these are the fellas your government is coming out to bat for.


The MCC is incredibly diverse mate.


The match he was supposed to play in was supposed to highlight the sports commitment to equality or something like that I gathered from the news article. His tweets were published on the same day. It was definitely the correct call to pull him from playing in that game, and they said he’d play again in the future. It seems an entirely appropriate reaction in the circumstances.

The way Flatty is going on about it you’d swear he was taken out and shot.

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He played in that game mate. Keep up.

well thats a point too. The fact that booing the knee and a continued racist element to the common English man is very worrying. “leave politics our of football and wear your poppy or we’ll ruin your life”. I saw an unbelievable amount of tweets condemning players taking the knee and that BLM is Marxist and other bullshit. How dare black footballer look for equality and fairness.


The INTERNET never forgets.

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