Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I always understood that the mark of a good accountant was one who smoothed away irritants like income tax and additional money-grabbing tariffs and left you paying (or not) pennies. You are after all engaging him for this very duty.
Who the fuck wants to be burdened with taxes and such shit?

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Camera pans over the limited spectators at Cusack Park during Clare Vs KK. 3 women with their heads stuck into the phones.

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They borrow money to fund their day to day lifestyle and furthermore use the interest they pay to further reduce any tax liability.

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‘wags’ I’m sure.

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Nah they weren’t lookers

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Showing off to other women who deep down couldn’t give two fucks so.

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This makes me sad.

Christ not another one. The Fingal Brigade have only just sussed out who the first one is.



We know…

We really do…

Good night all


Cunts doing noisy building work right outside your window at 7 am when you’ve a night shift tonight

You should empty the contents of your potty on them.

D7 isnt like that anymore mate

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When would you like them to start?

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Is that in the FG manifesto?

Have a squiz for yourself as I’ve no idea

Probably not ment to start until 8 unless they’ve a permit to do so. Doubt the hr makes much difference to you though