Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

beneath flatty’s bastard exterior there a bastard coated bastard with gooey bastard filling :smiley:

JK flatty, youre one of the most decent on here

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Well, if that’s them in the first picture there one looks about 20 years younger than the other. Also, two for the auld birds thread.

I hadn’t thought of that.

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It popped up when I came out of my email.

I agree, and I have to admit when I got to the first picture and it wasn’t captioned, I stopped reading then.


Some sick fuckers out there

Anna and Olivia: Body of Olivia, one of the missing sisters kidnapped by their father, located in Tenerife | Spain | EL PAÍS in English (elpais.com)

That’s really awful!

This is a story from during the week.

The richest men in the world pay no income tax. What kind of fucked up system allows such a thing to happen?


That’s capitalism, lad. Greed is good.

I think it’s possible to have capitalism where the richest people in the world pay their fair share of tax.


Some will justify it saying ‘wouldnt you do the same if you could?’ and 'but look how many jobs they are creating"

They would be wrong. That sort of wealth is sickening


It’s simple enough, income tax in most countries is based on income not on wealth. So a CEO like Bezos or Musk could take a salary of 1c and also hold $10 billion in stock. Over say 5 years that stock position could grow to $100B and they would owe no tax unless they sold some of it. One solution is a wealth tax, but another would be to tax unrealized gains on investments. Another big issue though is how to get at tax avoidance strategies especially offshoring, and the reality there is many politicians also take advantage of those strategies so they are not likely to make any serious attempts to curtail them. Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.


That’s exactly it. Without the political will to effect change, nothing will happen bar minor tinkering to appease the masses.

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But they have to be getting some sort of income. How else could they do the weekly shop, go for a pint or on holiday?

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Probably their wife’s / significant other’s income.

Maybe he likes a certain type ?


The infuriating thing is they are taking money out of the business tax free through a complex structure through tax havens offshore based on work by the top tax professionals that they can pay for.

So basically the richer you are the greater chance you have of avoiding tax. Which is completely the wrong way around.


Exactly, but the lads in charge of the tax code are either doing the same thing themselves or getting big campaign donations from the companies in question. So they have no reason to change it and plenty reasons not to.

The US is simply mental when it comes to corporate donations to run for office. As you say it’s no surprise that such a thing should happen but still completely wrong,

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