Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

The most inaccurately named shop of all time. The one on Camden Street does a nice carvery roll, apart from that you can forget about Fresh.

The one on Grand Canal Dock is a nice enough spot, very overpriced though.

They are also very militant about using their seating if not all members of the party have purchased food from the store.

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Just saw it’s the son of the famous Singing Jarvey, who’d be good friends with my father. Also related to the Healy-Raes.

I think their sandwiches are shit, their deli counter is more expensive than gold, their fruit and veg is often well past their sell by date, the quality of meat in that butcher in the corner is terrible and most of their staff are pretty rude which normally means they are a shit company to work for.

Apart from that it’s grand.



The meat is so bad there. Shite coffee too.

Still not right 6 days after 2nd Moderna jab
What the actual?

Think COVID would have impacted me less.

I was the same. 5/6 days it took me to get over it. A friend who got it the same day was the same (but a lot sicker than me). That was only the 1st jab for both of us


Isn’t Moderna the Rolls Royce of jabs?

That’ll be the microchips bedding into your system.

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That’s nuts. I only got a bit of a dead arm for a day.

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Had the dead arm with the first jab
2nd jab has me narcoleptic and sore joints!

It’s the like getting hit by a Rolls Royce of Jabs


RIP mate


Did somebody mention forelock tugging?

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First one I was grand for two days but then it hit me. I genuinely thought there was something seriously wrong with me but had to put it down to the vaccine.

Second jab I was waiting for the bang after two days, but nothing…TG.

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that would be AZ with a 12 week gap between jabs, it offers the maximum protection against the highly contagious Indian variant which is now the dominant strain in the republic of Ireland

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It’s the Johnson variant actually. He guaranteed free trade to the masses but they didn’t realise it would be in new variants in a deadly virus

Boris Johnson has brought manufacturing back to Britain. They’re manufacturing Covid variants.