Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

No he isn’t. He is sticking with recent history of importing everything.

New SF ffs

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post GFA, never fired a shot, cunts.

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Yeah different breed altogether

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All about being PC , anti Christian and abstaining from voting in Leinster house rather than be honest

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Unprincipled. It’s sad to see. 40 years ago 10 principled men died agonising deaths for this?


Would you rather more hate and death?

than what?

I’m pointing out the takeover of a once principled movement by appointment seekers. You should know this. Look at your “free” state.
The party of Collins led by Leo Varadkar! :rofl:
The party of Dev led by Meehawl! :rofl:

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They’re closer than ever to achieving what those men fought and died for without ever firing a bullet

They are in meehole

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There are many many countries in the World who could laugh at our political leaders. Northern Ireland is certainly not one of them


and by the way … who do you think are “closer than ever”. The people who jumped on the backs of those who did fire the bullets?

No argument there

Hunger strikers sold out for votes, and 6 were left to die needlessly, SF pushed it on, should have been stopped, that’s not just my own opinion, I was at 3 of the funerals, a republican at the time , weekly visited long kesh , bro in law and friend doing 12/16 years respectively, so I had a good handle of what went on,to me SF were cruel to the strikers and families at the time, all for fuckin votes


Hold on now. I think most everyone** would agree that a united Ireland is close and inevitable
SF are likely to play a key role. They can either try to foster a spirit of cooperation between the vast vast majority of reasonable nationalists, and the majority of unionists who are moderate, or they can call the catch cries of the clown for the rastool brigadiers and foment mutual loathing.
Much as it sticks in my craw, she is doing the right thing. I doubt it sits comfortably, but without reaching out by one side, the post reunification period will flare into violence. It may do anyway, but it behoves mature politicians to try to smooth the differences.

**Bar the lunatic fringe

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They died agonising deaths in the aim of a united Ireland. Imo this is now an inevitability. We need to look beyond the act of reunification, and figure out how to make it work without further bloodshed.

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On this day


Didn’t know that

Lunatic fringe will always be there, used by intelligence to keep stirring and do their dirty work when it suits,
thankfully nationalist politicians of all types of green aren’t in that category, and republicans in the main weren’t
Darkley and Kingsmill happened to show loyalists that killing innocent RCs won’t be tolerated, not right but in Armagh it stopped them.
The fuckers backed by state forces had a free hand when it came to sectarian bombing of bars, towns and murder and torture of catholics, now security forces turn a blind eye to their drug dealing empire etc and basically let them do as they pls as it suits both of them


I agree with all of this. I also think Michelle O Neill is growing into the role and showing true leadership here. The hardcore unionists will never never never show any degree of tolerance, but their children or grandchildren might. Think of the tolerance shown by the majority on both sides, the vast majority, to get this far. She is only extending that a bit.
I’m not sure I should post this, but I’m minded of this.