Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Sorry but Iā€™ve total different views on this, under no circumstances whatsoever irrespective of who died should Royal Marines have been left set foot in Ireland in uniform, Iā€™d have no problem with them in civvies and inside the church but not a hope in hell in dress uniform whilst up the road the cunts were there as protectors of a bigoted sectarian state, step too far shauneens whom ever left that happen as were the pro Brit fawning whures who came out to greet Lizzie in Cork city
( protestors werenā€™t allowed within 2 miles of the city)
My own personal viewpoint,youā€™re entitled to yours also, wonā€™t fall out but Iā€™d be dishonest if I didnā€™t state my viewpoint

Heā€™s a great younglad

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Count your blessings

You have your views, others have theirs, and in this instance, I would cede to the wishes of the parents and family.
If we are to make a lasting peaceful success of an independent United Ireland, we simply have to move on. If you think of the sacrifices needed by the bereaved of both communities to allow the good Friday agreement to bring lasting peace, watching those who shot, stabbed, maimed and obliterated their closest loved ones released back into their communities, and sucking up the pain and the anger for the greater good, this is barely a ripple compared to that. The Sligo community turned out in force, and I respect that, and the wishes of the family to commemorate their dead child however they wish.
I know someone with personal involvement, and it certainly wasnā€™t taken lightly by those concerned. Thatā€™s all Iā€™ll say really.

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Itā€™s like something out of Victorian London. Pathetic.

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One last joyride. Fucking gobshites


The judge said the sentence will not add to the time he is serving for carrying knives.

Fucking hell.

Iā€™m not sure if they are just stupid or itā€™s a macho way of coping but they really do no give a fuck about any laws or social norms. Lads like this seem to be able to just behave and do what they want with impunity and no fear of any consequence.

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That part of Tallaght where they were living, is like the wild west. Thereā€™s a mixture of cretins living there who have no respect for man or God. Poverty is an issue but itā€™s used as a coverall excuse and they really donā€™t give a fuck for the rest of society.

That lad in the photo, the younger of the two,was on the run from a UK prison, he was living free as a bird over here, running amok. Not any more though.


'Tis a terrible shame. Such a waste of a young life.

Actually what I really mean is ā€¦


slap it into ye, ye degenerate wee fucker.

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Like, where do you even start with that?!


A sealed forty foot container full of the cunts wouldnā€™t be a bad place to start.

You start by building prisons so cunts with hundreds of convictions and years of ruining peopleā€™s lives arenā€™t swanning around.


He died doing what he loved. You cant ask for more than that.


As a lad said to me - what went through his head going up a motorway the wrong way at that speed.

Eddie Stobart.


Nothing good ever seems to happen in places called springhill

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Mount joy seems inappropriately named also.

If I remember rightly this now largely forgotten series didnā€™t have many good things happen to the characters in it. It was edgier than this forum at its edgiest.

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