Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

There’s a good chance that there’s only 10 lanes…

You’re correct. I should have clarified that it’s in T1.

Coffee with a taste of onions off it.

It’s hard to go back up and say, “Sorry mam, there’s a taste of onions off my coffee”.

It’s a common enough problem any where they’d be preparing food with raw onions and serving coffee. I must have sensitive taste buds. I also hate raw onions.

Onions are deadly. Will hammer all sorts of bacteria and viruses. Included in their smell are high sulfur containing compounds which help release toxins from the liver.

How murdering bastard Robert Wagner continues to walk the earth a free man.


The fact the cunt is representing us on the UN security Council this week is bad enough. But this is fuckong embarrassing. The leader of this once proud nation


Marty Morrissey presenting Countrywide on RTE radio. His twee condescending tone of roaster now accepted in the big smoke doesn’t cut it for a programme like this. Ruins what is generally a lovely hour of radio.


Had a bit of trouble at work today and now it looks like I’m going to be searching for a new job!!!:rage::rage::pensive:

Since I had the accident with my back I couldn’t continue working for the charity - it didn’t pay much but was a job I loved .
To pay the bills I got a job delivering windows and doors - not my passion but put food on the table for the kids .

Was sent to deliver a few units to a chap today in one of the big houses outside the town. I got there and the guy was on his phone, big ignorant head on him. I unloaded the windows and leaned them nicely up against a skip so his builders could see them easily. The guy finally got off the phone and barked some expletives at me, gesturing at the steps up to his garden and telling me to drop the units round the back “and mind u don’t scrape the Merc “ the prick shouts at me.

If it wasn’t for the fact his missus was giving me the eye I would have laid him out . Anyway prick rings up my job after I finally manage to carry the window units around on the front of my wheelchair . But he still complained and a couple of weeks before my probation ended I have been summoned to the office for a meeting with the boss .

Some pricks out there lads - be careful


Are you in the correct thread?

You worked for the RNLI?? This changes everything

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Is he being serious?

No, but he’s being quite witty. An excellent post if I might say so.
It pertains to a post from yesterday.

What was the original post?

Just back from a removal in West Cork. Lad in his early 50s, very athletic, knew him through TdeM, out jogging with his wife at the weekend and had a heart attack, they couldn’t save him. Two teenage kids left behind. Huge amount at the removal which I’m sure gave the family some comfort. Gone too soon. Tis sad tis sad…



A friend told me of this man. Sorry for your loss. You’d wonder about lads of a certain age putting unnecessary strain on the organs. A bit of exercise is one thing and we all need a way to blow off steam but the body is a taut elastic band, you never know when and how it’ll snap.

Look after yourself.


Jaysus. You never know what’s around the corner.
Live life while we can. RIP.


He was as strong as an Ox MMB, could talk for Ireland too, a lovely man. But yeah, you’d never know do you.

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We’re all standing on a trap door.

Very Sorry to hear that @Locke