Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Kelly McDonald’s Irish accent in Boardwalk Empire.


A lad with the first name of Darcy who is meant to be a student, dressed in pair of slacks and tucked in shirt.

The Limerick lads (and others) getting all excited about a transport plan that’ll never happen.
The Government have lads (professionals according to the Bórd Rothar man) adding rail spurs ending up in the middle of swamps and bogs. Some nerdy flute with a tweed coat and a beard drew this on the back of a fag-box and gave it to Ryan with a solemn nod……Be grand Eamon, never happen….


All the covid dogs are being giving up. Worse than Christmas. Bad cunts out there.


They don’t have any dogs up as being available for rehoming?

The man was only a guard at the camp. He was only doing his job or he’d a been shot himself. A 96 year old female ex-camp secretary fled trial last week. Are these any different than soldiers, I ask you?

Even if convicted they won’t do time. Is it all gone a bit far.

forum quiet guy @habanerocat decides that protecting the rights of nazi death camp guards will be the issue that sticks his neck out for



You’re the forum environmentalist. Isn’t it all just a waste of energy?

What about the train drivers, the cooks, the companies that made the barbed wire, the Zyklon B gas manufacturers. Where should it all end?

Very difficult cases alright but tell me this - how do you know he was only doing his job or he’d have been shot himself?

Soldiers in the camp or soldiers elsewhere? There’s obviously a huge difference in the purpose or war or soldiering and the purpose of nazi concentration camps.

I presume you’d have to go and do your soldiering wherever you’re told.

It was agreed here some time ago that anyone posting any Downfall clip would get an automatic ban.

@The_Dunph can you ban this fella?


That’s the original. That’s ok.

Who said that?

Bruno Ganz…

Rolo Tomassi?

Ok guys, can you stop mentioning my family members by name.


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From the Washington post. No need to read the whole article.

Of an estimated 22,500 German soldiers sentenced to death for desertion, approximately 15,000 were shot or guillotined. More than 5,000 others were condemned for “defeatism” or “subversion of national defense,” offenses that included denouncing Adolf Hitler or decrying the war. Of those who escaped execution, all but a few hundred perished in prison or have died in the five decades since the war ended.
