Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Platini is more bent than Blatter

That’s your major take from the 1985 European Cup final?

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The 1985 European Cup final was an utter sham of a football match. It should obviously never have been played that night, and probably not at all. The match was engineered by the referee to give Juventus the victory, a sham penalty awarded before Livepool were denied as obvious a penalty as you will ever see when Ronnie Whelan sustained GBH in the box. Although given what had happened, that should have the least of anybody’s worries.

The point is that Michel Platini and Juventus behaved that night and afterwards as if their sham victory in that sham match was the highlight of their careers.

They didn’t give a fuck that 39 of their supporters had been killed.

Sort of tallies with the behaviour of both Platini as a man and Juventus as a club in subsequent years, doesn’t it?

An even more bizarre post. A summary of the 1985 European Cup final that centres around the lack of integrity of the Italians and has no mention whatsoever of Liverpool’s fans. Literally UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!


Everybody knows what Liverpool’s fans did.

But thanks for deciding not to make any counter argument to my points, which amounts to a tacit acceptance of them.

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I thought platinis celebration was more a clenched fist ‘now ye cunts ye killed our fans how’s that for ye’ in French obviously.


You want to argue about whether there was a dodgy penalty the night 39 Italians died because all the Liverpool fans rioted and attacked them and then collapsed a wall on them? I’ll leave you ponder that.

I don’t give a shit that Liverpool lost that night. Nobody in Liverpool or who supports Liverpool does. Given the match went ahead (it shouldn’t have), once it started it was for the best that Liverpool lost it. It was a sham match.

You’re still not mounting any counter argument to what I have said about Platini and Juventus.

Which, I’ll repeat, amounts to your tacit acceptance of and agreement with the points.

If Platini thought that, that’s even worse than celebrating as you would had 39 of your supporters not been killed.

Whatever, Platini and Juventus were of the opinion that football mattered above all that night. The truth was it didn’t matter at all - it was a two fingers gesture to the dead that the match even went ahead.

The sort of mindset that could claim the outcome of that sham match as something to celebrate is mind boggling in its self centredness and lack of empathy.

As I said, that mindset was entirely in keeping with both Platini’s corrupt behaviour as an individual and Juventus’s corrupt behaviour as a club in subsequent years.

It doesn’t mate. That’s entirely in your head. It’s more a case of ‘come back here mrs Lincoln, I want to debate the play you went to see…’

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I think any reasonable individual can see that it does.

If you didn’t tacitly agree, you’d mount even a token argument against the points.

You haven’t even managed that.

Is it known that the players were aware that there were fatalities before the game commenced?

You seem to be equating match fixing to killing people at a football match

How so? Which lines exactly in my posts lead you to that belief?

Or are you just pretending to imagine things because you know full well you can’t argue with the points?

It’s the latter, isn’t it?


Firstly calling it sham victory betrays your prejudice.
Secondly, you are condemning them, for what, taking the trophy, lifting it?

Thirdly, you seem a bit unhinged tonight so I’ll park that with you there

You are now saying it was not a sham victory. You are saying the match mattered. You’re genuinely saying this.

Think about the sort of mindset you’d have to have to think that match mattered.

I correctly said Platini and Juventus behaved as if nothing had happened.

I correctly said that that says a lot about them as people. And none of it good.

Have a wee think there about who’s coming across unhinged.

I had a wee think and it’s still you.

Night night



I’ve always thought the players did not know about the deaths before the game started, they thought it was just delayed.