Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

If you lose your last mask, your life is essentially over, from what I can see

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You could order them online.

Or order them online. Yes

Not from Amazon though. Lads hate Amazon. You should order them from your local corner shop.

Masks are the new :prayer_beads: rosary beads

Kilkenny Loyal


The balls on that guy!

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Most members (all 10) in Clare/Limerick.

Kilkenny is more staunchly unionist than East Belfast sure, powder pissing is in their DNA. @Thomas_Brady has signed up a few aliases to get things rolling.

I thought it was going to be for economic reasons or something but no, just racism.

Adare no doubt

Good for Irish democracy. Death threats should be reported to the police.

Lads giving out about Christmas decorations being “up too early”.

If their six year old selves could see how life beat them down.


My six year old self didn’t start thinking about Christmas till December 8th, or the Toy Show maybe, and not getting excited till school was out, it’s a bit odd to go wild on decorations, ‘it’s for the kids’, the kids don’t give a fuck

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Get them up lads

Fix tricks me thinks

Terrible news from Kilkenny today. A 13 year old is dead after been struck by a sliothar in the throat at lunch time yesterday in kierans college.


Fuck. Poor lad. Life can be cruel.

Jesus. That’s horrific.

Ah ffs,that’s terrible. Christ.