Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

As @myboyblue said the planet is grand. Humanity is fucked.

Happened in a private school in Manchester recently. A poor scholarship boy got stabbed to death by a rich thug called Josh Molnar, who’s family even paid for PR puff pieces in the national press. The murdered lad’s mother died a year later, of a broken heart really.
He got 18 months.


Imagine the parents feck


Money talks if he was a working class kid he’d most likely have had tbe book thrown at him

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so, whats the story here? I get the impression the media were light on the perps description.

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Need to be put on the rack the cunt

Media know when and who to highlight afraid of being sued

Media: Fermoy Man Charged

Truth: Man operating under 2 known passports

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Knew twas an outsider but afraid to state it at the time as the oh so pc brigade would be up my hole- got word earlier, modern Ireland :roll_eyes:
Glad I’m fuckin old

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It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, there’s a raft of downsides, deafness, incontinence issues, memory and mobility issues, rheumatism - millions of bad fucking ailments. You’re better off being in your 30’s and having loads of sex, drink and WFH.


Deafness is handy though.

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That’s racist

Ye farmers have had it sussed for years, getting paid by the government to sit on the couch, ye were way ahead of the curve


Getting paid for not having cows.

I’d be class at not milking cows. I missed my calling really

How would you handle the mastitis?

I’d let them all die and get a grant because they all died

You’re one of us alright