Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Ffs nightmare boy

Same and can’t understand the miserable yokes who don’t put a few bob in a card for their local Postie

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They used have the special branch in minding them up to Christmas to protect them from your crowd.


Cork supporters ? :blush:no way in all fairness we’re not that bad

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Feckin branch couldn’t mind themselves with all the coking they’re doing

Must have been decades ago as the Perspex is unbreakable

My auld lad probably knows him so

I don’t doubt it. It was a common occurrence though.

Doubt it. I’d say he was gone out of it by 1955. He knew the Harrold’s though. Used to meet them at matches in the 80’s.

My auld lad started off on a high nellie cycling about 40/50 mile a day before it became cool.The earliest van I remember him having was a white and orange P+T Renault 4 van.Like the one in this video



Did that job one Christmas too. Was amazing how fast you’d get at it.

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Sure my father was 11 by 1955 and knew everyone in the parish the nosey bollix

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They’d start you at the facing up machine,
That was soul destroying work but once you got a sorting station you could knock a bit of craic out of that

I had an uncle on parcels, Steph Curry wouldn’t have managed it, it was incredible to watch those middle aged men lobbing parcels around and never missing the bag

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Came in handy later

Different men then- my granda in Blackrock used have to cycle 20 miles plus on occasion, play a senior match for the rockies , play, cycle back and more than likely spend the night salmon fishing ( 1920s)


Any of ye wexicans know this Murderpool supporter and PDF file?


Profile gone, any screengrab?

Just the video I linked

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