Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Its very much 50/50 gig now. Rightly so too.

Of course not.

A poster asked a question as to why postage in Portugal was more than in Ireland. We work from different costs of living, salaries, costs of doing business.

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A Christmas gig delivering post for 2-3 weeks, if you could get it, would keep a student going up to Easter - the pay was savage and you were done by 2pm.
The ball of twine you had to rip to tie up your letters, slicing your palm in the process, not so much.


The postal service in Ireland is superb. Next day delivery across the island for a couple of Euro is outrageously cheap.


An Post have some fantastic people working with them.

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Does @Rocko work for An Post?

Weā€™re gong to be moving to a mail in system for posting in the new year. It will hopefully lead to a more considered and thoughtful standard of posting. And my beloved An Post will be reaping the rewards.


I know a lad got offered a job as a post man. He couldnā€™t hack it even though he lived in the rural area. Handy enough job in the city I suppose but the country is a different ball game.

He threw in the towel and went back to being a barman.

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Youā€™re going to need one of those fancy new scanners that convert to text. Youā€™ll need a universal one. Lord knows how it will work with letters from @Corksfinedtboy and some of our northern posters.


The postman is a very important person in rural Ireland, he might be the only person some auld people see all week.He delivers more than letters,he brings all the news of the parish with him too,deaths weddings the price of cattle at the mart when the heddage cheques are out etc
and whatever gossip is going.


I had a handy gig in the Cork city sorting office, mind numbing work made interesting by week 2 when Iā€™d have been able to buy an ounce of hash from the first paycheque and the tanning fab 50 was blasting in my ears

There wasnā€™t a town land in the country that I wasnā€™t familiar with

More obviously

Iā€™ve never been in it but I hear the equipment is unreal and up to date. The character recognition, speed of reading and sorting of the letters is supposed to be a joy to behold.*

*For the technically minded of course.

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Postmen were the earliest incarnation of the internet.

You wanna know something - ask the postman. That and a van laden with sliced pans, pints of milk, 45 Observers and 10/12 baby Powers (for chesty coughs) nestling in with the rowls of baler twine.


My old man started off as a postman around 1950. He was working out of Newport first but got back to the balbec after a few years. He ended up as a sorter and did nights for about 25 years. Iā€™d have a lot of time for people with a P & T background.


Bucko just tested positive :rage::rage::rage:

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Iā€™d say ye didnā€™t know what to do with all the English pound notes that he brought home at Christmas and Easter.


No thieves in my family. Might be normal for you.


I went through the recruiting process many years ago but after asking and being told it was all contract works it was exit stage left for me fein