Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Because your Irish?

That’s very poor form in this day and age.

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Isn’t @Declan_Moffat A Donegal man?

Many moons ago an English cunt spitting the word “Paddy” at me upset me much more than I thought it would.

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‘I’ll give ya facking paddy’


I’d say it’s not far below the surface with most tans unfortunately. They’ve centuries behind them of demonizing the Irish as inferior people. And that’s not an exaggeration, it goes right back to Elizabethan times, it’s ingrained in them.


Remind me of that again?

Yep. I’ve had time to think about it and I should have laid the cunt out because England hockey will do nothing. They were denying to the end so I doubt they’ll admit. At least if I bet him, I’d have something. Fucking cunts


It’s from the Shane Macgowan film.

‘You want Paddy? I’ll give ya facking Paddy’


Fuck him lad,I put with with a fair amount on the sites in London back in the day.Pass no heed of it now as there’s fuck all you can do about it today,however if you were to come up against him again…bury the cunt

That’s the truth of it, you’ll just have to bide your time. But, believe it or not the occasion will present itself and will be all the sweeter for you’ll have the prep done, the memories will be crystal clear and your intent visceral.
It’s something to look forward to going into 2’22. I’d avoid bursting the fucker with a box now mind.

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It’s in a lot of them alright. They love ya when they are in the ascendancy but it reveals itself when you get the upper hand on them or you make them feel foolish.

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Some of your own players? Good. The right thing to do.

Sorry to hear it happened pal. It’s not fucking on. Giving him a box in the face probably wouldn’t solve anything long-term, but would have felt good at the time. Will ye be playing that opposition again? Maybe something for the dressing room. Got out there and walk all over the cunts

Getting yourself arrested won’t win it pal.

A happy life well lived is your best response to the cunt.

And there’ll be a next time when you can lower the blade

What exactly happened?

Yea the lads all walked off. The umpires tried to “compromise “ by saying they’d rescind my red to a yellow and give him a yellow. Which surely is an admittance? Our captain said no and the only way we play is if he leaves. His team wouldn’t admit anything so the lads walked off.


Said something to me as I was chatting to the umpire after we won a free.

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That’s a proper captain :facepunch:


For Protestants they’re not bad.


That’s hard @Declan_Moffat

I’m sure the lads who’ve played soccer here would have seen similar directed at anybody with an English accent,
Racism is still slightly tolerated on sports fields, far more than in general society, the excuse being that normally decent people ‘lose the head’ :man_shrugging: