Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

First time itā€™s ever happened to me and Iā€™m partly shocked at the club it came from. But then again itā€™s hockey. Predominately white middle class people with fuck loads of money and privilege. I joke with the lads that Iā€™m the token Irish man but I say Iā€™ve only face one other Irish player in 10 years playing. Weā€™ve one black player and one Asian player and Iā€™d say weā€™re one of the more diverse sides in the league. The umpire told me to ā€œget offā€ when I tried to explain what had happened. Of course he didnā€™t hear it despite me being beside him when it was said.


What did he call you, a spud muncher or something?

Something like that. Not as creative though.

ā€œFuck off back to spud hockey Paddy, this is the real deal here.ā€
As he gave you a nasty knock across the ankle.

Hey mick, stick to the shinty

Never take an argument out of a pub or off a pitch ā€¦

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Iā€™ll have to call you up on that. I dislike England and the English more than most, but I reckon even @Declan_Moffat would agree, itā€™s not most of them. Some are the finest people youā€™d ever meet, and most are grand. There is a swathe of English folk who hate everything though, starting with themselves and their own lives I suspect. It just thereā€™s so many English people, youā€™re bound to cross paths with a right nasty one sooner or later.


Finest ever more some of them.

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Yep, its well documented in the people flatty knows thread

I was at a dinner party last night. It was herselfs friends and she really wanted to go, so I said Iā€™d drive. Five minutes away I got from herself amidst fits of giggles ā€œoh, by the way, itā€™s going to be veganā€.
I really tried, but all I could ate was the spuds. There was a vegan lasagne type product which was inedible, and a vegan ā€œcheesecakeā€ which made me retch.
Anyhow, I didnā€™t have much to say, but herself asked how their oldest lass (her God daughter) was.
Last time I heard she was studying maths and physics at university.
ā€œWell she was on only fans last year. Now sheā€™s a dancer in a strip club in Nottinghamā€
Her poor ma said sheā€™d tried to talk to her about it, but was told she just had stone age views.
It transpires there is a big waiting list to be a lap dancer, and that they have to pay the club for a slot if they do get one.
She was/is making Ā£600 a shift in tips, and has just bought a car.


You know the rules, fire up a link to her only fans.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s on it anymore.

Itā€™s linktree these days

Cc @StoneCold

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What did he actually say tho paddy cunt, Mick bastard, spud muncher, inbred? Whatā€™s the insult of choice these days?
I was called a tattie picking bastard by a Scottish lad one day

Were you playing against @ChairmanDan


Brings to mind an old joke. Celtic have signed a promising young Protestant player from another team. After a few weeks the manager pulls the new player aside and asks him how he is settling in at the club.

ā€œIā€™m settling in fineā€, says the player. ā€œThe only thing is, opposition players and supporters keep shouting ā€œFenian bastardā€ at me. I donā€™t like it at all.ā€

ā€œAch, sure thats nothingā€, says the manager. ā€œWater off a duckā€™s back. I get called a Fenian bastard all the time.ā€

The player looks intently at the manager and says: ā€œYeah, but you are one.ā€

Filthy lesbian fucking animals. Allowed getaway with this while complaints galore were been filed to social services. This cunt should burned alive. Hopefully sheā€™ll get her comeuppance in jail.

Horrific. Thereā€™s evil in this world.

that kind of bollocks annoys the hell out of me; if you nivite a vegan for a meal youre supposed to accommodate them and cook them vegan food. theyd never think of extending you the same courtesy if you went to their house and have them cook you a carnivorous meal