Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Blue has a celebrity spot on the cooker. He’s merely greasing the wheels.
Fail to prepare etc.,

The box is not a problem. The polystyrene is the problem.

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My crowd would take whatever was in the box and all.

Limerick innit. They probably feed the polystyrene to chickens.


There was a big announcement there recently that recycling centres could now accept soft plastics. I’d been putting them in the recycling bin forever :man_shrugging:

It all ends up in the furnace in Dublin or a landfill in the Philippines anyway

Labour are too afraid of losing votes to actually go out and win.

A few posters here need to examine their rampant consumerism (cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy )

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Sonia O’Sullivan stuck her head up and raised this issue saying that Transgender cannot be allowed to compete in womens sport. It didn’t go down well in some quarters.

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Sonia is well, just great. In every way.


It’s mostly on the way out now. How many years ago was that? Is she a smart TV?

I’d say it was December. I bought myself an owl Telly for the Christmas.


I think what Sonia says- and she knows a hell of a lot more about sport than I will ever know - is fairly reasonable, but I’m still somewhat conflicted here.

I would think most of us (maybe with the exception of a few dinosaurs) here can accept that there are many people born into the world that feel their biological gender is not the one they belong to. Thankfully we are moving towards a slightly more tolerant society whereby people can be more open about that, and you’d have to admire the bravery of anybody who goes through that process.

If we can accept all that, and accept someone as trans as being the man or woman they desire to be post-transition, then at what point do we say they are not that man or woman? Does this apply to just elite sport? Does it trickle down to amateur sports? Does it trickle down to other aspects of society? And, crucially, does it mean that trans people no longer participate in sports? (Sonia makes an interesting point that while there currently isn’t a transgender category for athletics, there could be in time, as numbers increase - again, I don’t necessarily think this is a solution, and it is continuing the segregation).

Let’s give a hypothetical scenario. I decide I want to be a woman (this won’t be happening!). I go through the transitioning process, subscribe to the @fenwaypark training plan and sign up for the Dublin Marathon in 2032 as a 50 year old. Let’s say I’m the first 50+ year old woman home, and win the category prize. Should I be excluded from the medals? Should I just stay away and train/run on my home?

The other thing that I thought about would be would you have some fairly authoritarian regimes force people into sex changes in order to ramp up Olympic medals, and then I reconciled that with the fact that those societies wouldn’t tolerate transgender people in the first place.

I get the scientific arguments. I really do. I’m just struggling to think of a solution that is fair to all (trans women, non-trans women, etc.). I see posts here about it from time to time, and usually keep my views out of it, because I really don’t have an answer (apologies for the rambling post).


If you’ve to physically take substances to compete, you shouldn’t participate. I don’t think anyone who transitions should be allowed compete in the gender they change to. Equally, I think anyone caught for steroids should be banned from competing for life.

There are physical benefits only found by way of needle that have life-lasting effect and are therefore unfair on the competition in my eyes

Your biolgical/birth sex gives you an unfair advantage over others. As much as the world needs to accept trans people, trans people (specifically men who transition) need to accept that their biological make up, muscle mass etc give them an unfair advantage in sport. And sometimes an unsafe one depending on the sport. Nobody is suggesting trans people shouldnt play sport but it should be a no go at elite level competition anyway.

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The only truly fair way to do it is to stop all women’s competitions altogether and let everyone compete in the same races, which obviously isn’t a very good solution.

I don’t think the argument that people will become a woman just to win a medal is a very realistic one. It would be a fairly mental thing to undertake for that reason.

However there is a reason men and women are split.

It’s all a bit complex really isn’t it.

What’s wrong with having biological sex based categories. They are fixed. Gender is fluid.

That’s not offensive is it?

The participation of trans women in women’s sports is shining a light on the area and is exposing some of the absurdity and double speak and absolute fear of causing offence to the extent that saying a woman can’t have a penis is regarded as hate speech.

All the controversy and not just with sport is men transitioning to women. Women transitioning to men just seem to get on with it as best they can.

Being a bit of an entitled cunt must be a biological trait rather than a gender trait.

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Can we set up a trans category and just move on with life?

did you know that iran for example has one of the most progressive trans programmes in the world, that could also be because they have one of the most repressive LGB policies in the world so people are turning trans so that they wont be executed and can still fall in love with the sex they are attracted to.

if a man is entitled to think that they are a woman, then any other person should also be entitled to think that they arent. the TRAs have hijacked the LGB movement and are doing significant damage to the gains that have been hard fought over many years. its disgraceful that people who wouldve taken beatings and lived in fear of being exposed in the 80s and 90s are being labelled as anti LGB because they are calling out the trans lobby.

the other main issue with trans is that it appears to be patient led rather than patient centric treatment. the vast bulk of people claiming to be trans are suffering from a clown car of psychiatric issues but the push is for gender affirmation treatment that is painful, life limiting, expensive and for the vast majority, not the panacea that they think it is.

science is losing the battle here but there are now people brave to put their heads above the parapet. mark my words, gender afformation surgery will be this generations full frontal lobotmoy


The answer is, have XY chromosome competing as male, XX as female, and have trans specific competitions under their own banner, or do away with any male/female separation and have them all compete together. Quite seriously, those are the only rational choices.
If I say I feel 15 today, should I be allowed to shift a 15 year old, because that’s the extension of the trans argument. ?

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Quelle surprise

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