Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I’d usually try to buy off of DID because they are Irish and have a bit of history in the trade. Last time I bought a Telly off of them they wouldn’t take back the packaging which I was fairly sure they were obliged to. Put the polystyrene in the black bin the lady says to me. ??? Have you seen how much polystyrene is on a telly these days? I was a few bin lifts getting rid of the stuff that hadn’t blown off down the road. What’s with all the polystyrene anyway? The likes of Todd Culhane or Stan Furlong could sell a telly without it being encased in the stuff.


They’re legally obliged to do so.

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You must have a very small bin.

Ah he’s not wrong, the casing TVs come in now is off the charts


You need to leave them standing up and turned off for a few hours to ensure the oil goes back into the pump.

OK mate.


Would your recycling crowd not pick up a box left beside the bin? That’s how I get rid of all my packaging.

Any lad who doesn’t have two recycling bins has effectively failed as a father and husband.

I have two myself.

They give you the second one for free at present.

They’re doing glass bin collection too. Not availed of that yet.

Is that not standard? Over here they collect glass, paper, plastic/metal monthly.

They do that here to, and then dump it in landfill I suspect.

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Do you go to a bottle bank?

We have all recyclables collected once a fortnight

Glass collection only recently offered in our area and not much uptake by the look of curbs or sound of collections

@backinatracksuit bottle bank trip every couple of weeks, plenty around the place within a k or two

Food waste every second week.

This is wrong I’m afraid. It’s just not fair. You can dance on the head of a pin to justify it, but such people need an entirely separate class if they wish to compete, otherwise just eliminate male and female categories altogether and have done with it.


People are so afraid to touch the issue that many will now not go on record to say what the definition of a woman is.

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adult biological female, its fairly easy but SKS cant bring himself to say so.

yesterday, @flattythehurdler 's crush, angela rayner, said its ok to ask a man if hes pregnant but not ok to ask a woman if she has a penis.

theyre as unelectable as michael foot, no wonder they cant get rid of boris

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Very subtle hint from @Fagan_ODowd that he bought a new telly which was as big as @flattythehurdler 's car


Isn’t he entitled to do so? He worked hard, bought his house, paid off his mortgage in tougher times than these. Hes very welcome to have his comforts now.


Which side are ye batting for here?

We operate a scatter gun approach on a daily basis.