Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Itā€™s amazing how a nuanced conversation just brings the zealots out screaming and raging. All that hatred must eat them up inside.


Personally, and Iā€™m genuine,
I wouldnā€™t have a problem with a trans women using a public changing area that any of my kids were in, absolutely not.

You must be delighted another cause to crusade for, you might get a new cape and all.

ā€œIf my aunt was my uncle sheā€™d have balls.ā€

That phrase may fall out of the lexicon.


Fair enough. But my question was a little more nuancedā€¦ At what point do we consider someone a woman or trans woman? Would you be comfortable with someone thatā€™s 100% still physically a man and beginning the process of change but is ā€˜outā€™ for want of a better term?

So theres no trans issues or issues with trans. Thank god you were around to clear up such s complex topic

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You must be delighted spending all your time on here when you hate me so much. All that precious money you handed over to me too that had you so upset. Itā€™s made you so very angry. The veins throbbing in your head and yet you canā€™t keep away.


That one really hurt you deep didnā€™t it?? :joy: That and killing the traffic on what was the main thread on here.

There was a useful discussion on the complexities of trans people participating in sport. You just used the topic to list your grievances with trans people and ignored the actual debate. But your views are well established at this point. And youā€™re entitled to them.


I dont recall right now. What was that?

Oh that one exposed you completely for a mean cunt and well you know it. You hadnā€™t even the courage to apologise for it but your cards were marked by everyone at that point.


Again, would you ever fuck off. Youre well able, and have done so frequently in the past, of jumping into arguments with your perspectives on complex and controversial topics, labelling those who dont agree with you as zealots, bigots etc.

Youre just as bigotted on those subjects as those who you seek to label, just from a different perspective


Sharron was beaten out for her Gold medal by an East German swimmer. She went searching for said lady some years later, it was a very decent BBC documentary. If memory serves me correctly, she found her living in the United States. Well, I say her, but as it turns out the athlete was now a he. As a result of the copious amount of Growth Hormones pumped into the her body, he had decided to simply go the rest of the way, and transition to being a man.


You didnā€™t like getting called out for the hypocrite you are more like and itā€™s still eating away nicely, looking for an apology :grin: and on top of that now itā€™s clear that my continued presence here obviously bugs the shit out of you since but unless I give good reason then banning or suspending this account backs up my initial claim of your dictatorship eh?

So I think il pop in every now and then if only to make you itch.

So her current crusade is somewhat shaped by that. Gives it some context at least.

She really thought she would get the medal reinstated after the fact. She was haunted by the entire thing. Its kinda like how I feel the swimmers beaten by MdeB would feel.

When it comes to your door then shit gets real. The young fella Jerry was meeting up with a girl who identified as a boy. Both of them were 13 at the time. His friend was/is attracted to boys.
How did we deal with it? Went along with it and it petered out. Ben and I gave Jerry some slagging over it. He took it well in fairness.


While everyone else was chipping in for noble causes you were complaining about the price of a free forum. An absolute horrible situation to put yourself in. And standing by it like itā€™s some sort of moral stand instead of the cheapskate meanness that everyone else can see.

I donā€™t tend to notice your posts so donā€™t worry about annoying anyone. Youā€™re not the first angry young man to grace TFK, however unique you think you are.

But if you do have issues with how the forum is run (as opposed to my opinions) then Iā€™ll have no problem in helping you stay away.


I thought this was a reasonably measured article, which unfortunately I can no longer access the full text of, so if anybody could do that and copy and paste the text to this thread, that would be great, thanks.

Sounds like a man dressed up as a woman, we used to call them transvestites. Thatā€™s tricky.
But I donā€™t consider it deviance to begin the transition process, so I donā€™t know, I suspect Iā€™d be ok with somebody that is transitioning even at the early stages