Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

High winds all along the east coast this weekend and this one decides ā€œoh, I think Iā€™ll go for a swimā€.


Twas wild windy on the mainland west coast. Thatā€™s very sad though. Was wild to the point of dangerous in spots on the the bike up in the hills.
We came across three lads from the Tri club near the end of the last very steep descent one was lying in the road. The couple from the house beside had made him comfortable as they could with blankets, and both he, and one of his pals were doctors so were in control. Heā€™d had a front tyre blowout at a place where youā€™d usually be hitting 60kph. Air ambulance. Smashed hip and shoulder and heā€™s for the knife tomorrow. The medic with him on the phone had also been there last month when the young lad died. Third serious incident already this year.
I said to the lady of the house that she must get this a lot (itā€™s a well used descent at the end of a long hiily ride, and itā€™s about 15-20% over about a km. She said yes, with increasing regularity, and that there was one lad a few weeks back had hit the wall and was really in a bad way.
It can be a dangerous business amateur outdoor sport.
Anyhow, donā€™t know why I posted this here, but itā€™s on my mind.
As an aside, we had a quick look at his bike, and as expected, the front brake block had rotated so the rear upper edge (which was sharp enough anyway) was braking on the tyre. This is very common, so anyone who cycles should keep an eye on it.


Civilians arenā€™t able for descents like that. Iā€™d be pulling the leg out if I was coming down something like that. Lifeā€™s too short.


would you consider giving it up

doesnt seem worth it

Alot to be said for a relaxing drive

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I wouldnā€™t, because space is at a premium on the mainland, and out on the bike is one of the few places you get any space. The motorists here are in general much better around cyclists, and oddly, up in the peaks, itā€™s better for cycling than Ireland because thereā€™s more of a respect between cars and bikes, and a lot of the roads arent major thoroughfares, so are quiet. Iā€™m going to start backing off training in general though. Iā€™m too old and tired. Did the standard ride yesterday which is about 50km and 1200m of climbing. Used tap round it handy. I was exhausted yesterday.



Iā€™m quite happy to tip away and do my own thing now. I have no interest in riding in groups or hanging around with jokers who think they are Lance Armstrong setting PBs. Canā€™t be arsed going out in bad weather either.

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Iā€™d be the same. Came off going around the hairpin on the Vee back in 2013 and was lucky not to break my hip - I say that as I was on a training spin and on the TdeM the same year a chap came off in the same spot and broke his hip! Was blown off the road on the lower part of the Healy Pass in 2017, again on a hairpin, and was haunted not to be going around a bend that had a big drop off it. I love(d) flying down hills but fuck that, itā€™s not worth it. Hate cycling in the rain too, Iā€™m more of a solar powered cyclist.


Another thing, the bikes are too good for the average rider now. With the ultra light frames and the disc brakes people are going faster and they are not able for the speed. Hit a bump and itā€™s goodnight Irene.


I just couldnā€™t summon the will to go if I didnā€™t have to meet people. Same with swimming. Iā€™m just going to break off early in future.

I was chatting to a lad who works at the MTB centre in llandegla. Iā€™ve always found it hairy, and seen some awful crashes. He says itā€™s a lot worse now with electric mountain bikes, as anyone can get to the top of the hill, and plenty arenā€™t able to descend it safely.
He said thereā€™s an air ambulance there at least twice a week. Iā€™m happy enough descending on the road bike, once the road isnā€™t wet, but the mountain bikers are nuts.

Iā€™d be anti social though :frowning:

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My friend, who had his own bike shop for a while, hates disc brakes. Reckons the average Lycra-clad social rider should not have them.

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I donā€™t have the nerve for most MTB trails. Iā€™ve no bother running down them because I can pull the brakes on myself. Going down on a bike is a different story.

Whatā€™s Derry after doing now?

Not Derry.

Go onā€¦