Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Whatā€™s wrong with disc brakes? :flushed:

When I was in Santa Cruz there a few weeks ago there was a road race on. They were going an unmerciful speed. Anyway this hero hits a bump and goes arse over tit, thankfully without killing himself ( I knew this because he was fā€™ing and blinding). The noteworthy thing for me about the incident was that his bike literally broke in two. There was a cable going down the inside of the frame and that was all that was holding the two bits together.

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I wouldnā€™t use them. I donā€™t understand how they work so I donā€™t trust them.

Better stopping power but as a result will encourage people to go faster than they probably should. OK for the average person.


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The other thing is that if a person is used to traditional brakes, a switch to disc can be dangerous as if you jam on, the wheel stops dead.
The big advantage is that the rims if your high end wheels donā€™t wear out.
They have to be serviced though, and can be a right pain in the hole.

@balbec response is similar to the one my friend puts forward.

Itā€™s the same principle as a Formula One car. Less stopping time = more speed. They are heavier as well so less useful going uphill.,

Watching a bit of that Scannal programme on Annie McCarrick.

How on earth did her Irish roommates let her off on her own up the Wicklow Mountains?

Youā€™ve never had the bacon and cabbage up in Johnny Foxes then?

Perfectly understandable. Men/women didnā€™t have failed DJ Keith Walsh then. Iā€™m sure she sold it as a trip to one of the highest/oldest pubs in Ireland.


Was her Father a policeman in America, who tried to do his own investigation?

Must be even worse for family when no body (assuming she was murder) is found to bury

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Itā€™s a horrible story.

I think he was, died in 09ā€™, her mother is still alive.

I saw an ad there this evening for Dennys ham I think it was and your man standing up to the national anthem. Always thought we were a nation who gave the utmost respect to our national anthem. Didnā€™t like it. Reminded me of the English langers belting out God save the queen during a soccer match.
There, Ive said it now. Ill get my coat

These scrotes will serve fuck all time. But I suppose we should grateful itā€™s a minority.

Irish people calling Fergie Sir Alex.


Should be ā€œThe Bossā€ or Slur Alex Ferguscum depending on your footix allegiance.

Heā€™s no King Kenny.

He likes to be called Sir Alex. In fairness, given heā€™s a rangers man, itā€™s fair enough. Itā€™s just a matter of good manners then.

Pulled you up on it, he did?