Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Always seem to come up as ad’s for me on twitter/facebook. I’ve never bought Ray-Ban’s in my life. Data protection in E.U. you’d think they’d be banned.


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Careful now!

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Fuckin hell, the one that caught on fire? must have been rough

That’s the one, just before Wheelock’s. It’s heart breaking really.

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paul kelly should hang his head in shame.

#the little scrotes shouldve gotten jail time



And another scrote defending them.


This country is just fucked
Judiciary out of touch alongside our dopey mainstream politicians

A hard read.

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Dirty fucking tramps the whole lot of them. There is only one thing they would understand here

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That’s horrific but immensely brave from her at the end. Hope she finds peace.

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Peter Murtagh was on Claire Byrne there discussing this case and broke down when speaking about the lady’s victim impact statement.

It’s horrific. It’s difficult to say anything but the sentences given down to the five was a proper statement by the judge.

One of them got 20 years. Larry Murphy got 10 years for as horrific of an attack with attempted murder thrown in.

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It was interesting her comments to the defence barristers in the statement. Their hearts mustn’t have been in it. I assume when one of the party pleaded guilty they knew full well the jig was up

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Yeah and by all accounts their statements were all over the place, contradictory etc.

They still held to the not guilty plea, presumably out of some warped view that they didn’t do anything wrong.

They have a long time to think about it now.

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I don’t recall this being in the news at the time albeit it is a long time ago now. Two fairly horrendous cases in tullamore in recent months.I hope the cunts get a right hammering when they land on into prison

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I’ve just disabused herself of the notion that I was going to be at a jubilee party tomorrow evening. She was wrong there.


braveheart GIF
Flatty getting ready for the party tomorrow

That’s what you think


How long before you regret this decision?