Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Ah lads

Inmates in the Midlands Prison will benefit from telephones installed in their cells.

Landlines have been fitted in 4 of the 12 detention centres in the country, according to the Irish Independent.

804 phones have been installed in the Midlands Prison, which is the most of any facility in Ireland, at a cost of over €700,000.

Inmates can only call approved numbers, the duration and frequency of their calls are limited, and their calls will be recorded.

Telephones are expected to be installed in Portlaoise Prison cells by the end of the ye

They already have access to mobiles which causes all manner of problems in there. Fellas being told.to hold them and the getting caught holding them.

This will look at reducing the problems around that issue with the added bonus of hopefully snagging some.dumb enough to continue their criminal pursuits over the landline .

Given they’ve not been employed, there must be some unavoidable interference with mobile jamming tech with the internal Comms system preventing its adoption

Fellas listening to Joe Duffy on A warm day.


Unless it’s funny Friday

Alot of double jabbed, mask at the ready, carb poisoned couples in the airport at the weekend with a few little Johnny Tiktoks in tow.

Alot of healing to be done yet.

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In the hospital waiting room here and a lad waiting here tap tapping away on a laptop. Can people never tune out and take a break from work?


He’s probably trying to get last bits done before he heads off on his holidays next week

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He’s trying to get the last bits done before he dies.


Hope all ok mate.

Just the blood again.


Spreadsheets never sleep

or his will

He’s probably emailing his colleague talking about some aul lad in waiting room with his head stuck in the phone …


All the best mate.

Cant live with it, can live without it

One day he will realise it’s pointless. Too late though.

Surely a chap like that is on LinkedIn and has the Joe Biden memo to staff about never prioritising work over something important. Very disappointing.

Oh mo Dhia.

Charging and bringing an 84 year old woman with dementia to court after she robbed a few bits of timber from a neighbour which was worth €20. Hard to credit when you see some of the things the Irish elite get away with.