Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

That’s the right wing ideology for ya.

Bonus points because its a woman.

You’d want to be some cunt of a neighbour to take that case against an elderly woman with dementia.

Sort of thing Pat Kenny would do.

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would you say he’d badger her?

She carried cement blocks. Hardy woman.

or @mikehunt

This case in court now.

Went a bit too far taking things into his own hands

Lads worrying about how much money epl sides are spending on some player they’d never heard of. Manyoo fans especially bad, like the club is a supporters co-operative or summat

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You’ve a hard on of hatred for man utd that is admirable flatty.

Something realised we get eggs delivered… in clean and took the egg off somewhere. Other 5 untouched.

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Something I’d say.
Unlikely to be a fox, he’d have had the lot.

That’s not something wrong, I wouldn’t mind so much seeing that.

Would have to be a fox to carry it away you’d imagine. Hon the crafty fox, you’ve cubs to feed.

north dublin seagulls


Nah. They’d have driven off in the Berlingo.


Agreed. Couldnt think what thread to put it in really.

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Not sure. Id have thought a fox would make shit of the lot. Wondering what sort of animal would just take one. Bird would peck the shit out of the lot. Theres a cat around who is always outside. Would a cat do that?

Can’t see it. Squirrel or hedgehog or worst an oul rat.
I’d burn the house and move.


With his wallet

A hedgehog? How would a hedgehog take an egg up and carry it off?

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Sure a hedgehog wouldn’t even have a frying pan.