Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

:smiley: :clap:

Even more people would be addicted to Horse? How would that help.

No, the lads just love looking at the athletic prowess of the horses

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Absolutely, but they are a niche group of people and we shouldnt be funding their hobby to the extent we are. We dont horse millions into road bowling or rounders.


Thanks, mate. Youā€™ve flattened out any of the psychological hillls I was facing on my e-bike journey home with your kindnessā€¦


Thats a fair ask, i would be very concerned to hear the FAI getting tax payer money tho

The HSE, at the stroke of a pen, freezing recruitment in many areas of the health service and pulling spend on agency nursing.

Presumably done as a fuck you to not getting any additional funding in the Budget.

The main problem with the health service in a nutshell.

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Theres a promotion freeze on at the minute too.No new promotions,not sure who ordered it.

When you have an organisation as dysfunctional as that what hope does the health service have?

We are currently in a strong economic situation and the HSE are putting in place recruitment and promotion bans out of nowhere.

Just tear it down and try start again

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The levels of vitriol shown on here for Matt Doherty. Grow up you fucking clowns.

He is ex raf biggles

Didnā€™t notice it but was just dipping in and out of that thread!
Why would Doherty be immune to abuse, how bad?

Heā€™s a traitorous Cunt. His actions towards MON marked him out and he has only carried it on since. Has he cork in him?


Thereā€™s a new fella in charge this year he probably wants to see who does what and whatā€™s the capacity for more instead of adding to numbers with a ā‚¬2b deficit .

Because he is one of the few outfieldlads with some ability and he doesnā€™t seem to put it all in.

Nasty stuff of a Saturday.

But a sweeping recruitment ban overnight isnā€™t the way to achieve anything,

He hasnā€™t played much to be fair

The wonder kid was brutal as well

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True but Itā€™s probably not as big an impact as you think because they canā€™t get any staff as is . A total mess.