Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

I hope they got the shits :sweat_smile:

What do you mean one plate?

Cocktail sausages, wedges, chicken of some sortā€¦ All deep fried and some ketchup to dip the shite into.


@habanerocat brought the family out for a do and got them a plate of chips between them


Each plate consisted of two mini-burgers with buns. Two smoked salmon on crackers. And two battered fish pieces. No sausages or sandwiches at this do.

They have a grand little setup there now. An outside marquee with concrete floor and a full bar. Plenty of heaters and TVs. Separate toilets.

Theyā€™ve about 6-8 outdoor huts to fit a family each. An outdoor pizzeria and snack bar. And an outdoor seated area. Itā€™d be nice now in the summer.

Somebody said they put it in during Covid. But seemingly youā€™d still need to book ahead at busy times. About half the huts were in use yesterday.

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Pardon the language,but thats fuckn miserable to hand that out o 6 people.

Id be calling the manager

They obviously didnā€™t think you were a roaster,Iā€™ve never left the woodlands hungry after a wedding/party

There were meant to be more, but the Limerick panel said ā€œdo you know who we are?ā€
The waiter decided discretion was the better part of valour

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Conor himself was there directing proceedings. He probably said look after the hurlers, whatever ye do. Not a pick on him and as fit as a fiddle still.

Sure didnā€™t the Limerick team come straight down to the Woodlands after the All Ireland final last year. Why wouldnā€™t he look after them?

That finger food distribution can be hit and miss at the best of times. We werenā€™t too bothered at the time but of course it kicked in with herself later on.

I was going to put them down as celebrity spots. But that may have involved describing their better halves. And Iā€™ve been slated on here recently for such carry on.

Some lads can get away with it on here but not me seeminglyā€¦.

Well I got minus three in the hurling prediction. Itā€™s best to know your place in lifeā€™s great pecking order.

Not sure how you got a minus score. Iā€™d question that if I was you.

Joe Player scoring index.

I was out the door early this morning, made my sandwiches in the dark because for some odd reason I decided I didnā€™t want to disturb the fcuking cat who sleeps in the laundry room. Anyhow itā€™s lunchtime and Iā€™ve put lasagna pasta in my sandwiches instead of cheese. FML.


its the not looking after you id have the issue with

Man, you should of seen all the electric heaters on full-blast in the marquee.
It would have brought tears to your eyes.

There should be some law against itā€¦

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Iā€™m being a bit unfair here as I copped these coming in from the car park.

Probably just some plywood and perspex concoction aimed soley at luring in gullible types like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy