Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Some families get it harder than others. Very sad.

Ironically a lot of people naming their son Luca live in bungalows while Bill is quite a popular name for people who live on the second floor.

The coverage the Irish women’s rugby team receive is mind boggling.


It’s an absolute joke the brilliant young outside centre from De La Salle Palmerston isn’t in the squad.

She must be able to hold the ball so. Pass, knock on, pass, knock on, repeat.

Cafeful now some pox journalist will tweet that to get all those sweet twitter like

I got done yesterday for the olde reversing into a car-parking spot. Some roaster swung into it as I was reversing. He sat there like a statue reading The Star and refused to roll down his window. I should have kicked in his door.


Continuing the homely chats about death.

Driving home this evening & the older lad blurts out “I’m very scared about dying Daddy!”

“Don’t worry about anything like that”, says I.

He replies: “But they hammer nails into your hands when you die!”

“Who told you that?” I ask.

“Miss Phelan”, he says.

Junior infants getting right back into it after the Easter break. :scream:



My better half visited her grand-aunt in a nursing home a couple of weeks ago and brought the 5 year old and 3 year old.

The younger lad took it all in his stride but the elder guy was apparently quite bewildered at all these elderly people sitting around in life’s departure lounge.

Afterwards she brought them to the beach and he was very keen that they throw a stone in the sea and make a wish. Standard wishes usuallly revolve around getting some Ninjago Lego but that wasn’t his main concern today after his brush with the reality of mortality. “I wish I wish that we all don’t die” as he hurled his stone as far as he could


The first item on the 9 o clock news on Newstalk there started with “Taoiseach Simon Harris…”.

Fuck me that’s all kinds of wrong.


Election required

This decision was wrong. Very wrong


The replies to this tweet


Eir only being fined €7,500 for this.


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I think vodafone are using a similar practice currently :thinking: :rage:

Eir need to get on to Bang for training in customer service.

cc @Julio_Geordio


I just double dropped after reading this


That’s a cuntish thing to do.What would possess somebody to do something like that