Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Twas better when the priests were raping all the children


And ‘churching’ new mothers. The absolutely twisted fucks

They’ve inherited your trait of not respecting orders from others then?


Is that where they weren’t allowed back into the church after a miscarriage?Happened my mother.

Or a birth. Proper fucking weird

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They had to be absolved of their sins. Go to the priest and ask forgiveness for the sin of childbirth or miscarriage. Absolute fucking bastards and the flock no better.

Yeah it was done on the steps of the church she told me,in front of everyone.

Stillborn were not allowed to be buried in consecrated ground once upon a time. I knew a man whom I since learned whose job it was to take away the little corpse from the father and bury it secretly in its family plot. He would often get a knock on his bedroom window at night to rise and do this in the depth of the night.
I’m sure there’s been others in other communities who did the same.


My late mother refused to be churched. She just went into mass and walked up for communion.


“I’ll church you’ is what she said :grinning:

Like something from a William Trevor story

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Fairy forts were often used also. Tragic

Proper order. What a shower of cunts.


I never heard that one

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Nor I

Something I hadn’t seen before, and it’s very wrong. A chap I worked with in the past, who hired me for my present company, passed away suddenly. I worked with him for around six month when he made a heave against the MD but it backfired on him and he was out. The best way to describe it is the company had its Keane/McCarthy moment. On RIP an Anon poster took a dig at the MD, albeit in an indirect way. Very bad and very wrong.

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Tis bad when RIP.ie will require mods


Ye’ll be paying for it soon enough.

T’would be ideal getting the oul mass said and all.

Irish Times have bought it so you can expect moderation in the form paying to submit copy to post

Don’t they get enough off the undertakers?