Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Im not sure a newspaper hunting a way to arrest dwindling revenues and who just paid for the RIP.ie site will see it that way.

This will be like the time everyone moved from Bebo to facebook.

I’ve bought the domain marbhdotie.

Just tell everyone you know not to die.

Watching the Sunday game back on the RTÉ player. They’ve kept all ad breaks and filled each of them with six ads for programmes on RTÉ. Ridiculous.

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You don’t pay your TV licence so suck it up you massive disappointment of a man.

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Did you join recently just to follow me around, oddball?

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You just don’t seem to grasp basic common sense, hence my reply. And your input in recent subjects from a quick read makes you look like a massive fanny.

Ok dumdum.

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Some fucking scumbag has dumped about 50 tyres into my site (effectively into what will be my garden), along with some assorted bric a brac.
I’m absolutely livid.


Not a Goodyear so far for you on that site


You’d be fair flat after that

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Ah fuck sake.
No cameras?

No, just tyres.


No. It’s a building site really so I don’t have any much presence there. It’s absolutely scumbag behaviour.

You were going to put up a camera before. Some bollix was messing with your planning permission notice, or something.

Not funny.

Has to be local enough. You don’t just happen upon a random site.

I know, I never did. It’d need a few cameras to cover the full road front, and I don’t know how to go about it tbh.

Can of petrol and burn them. Be grand.

Keep one for flaking a hurley against.

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I don’t know who did it, so it doesn’t really matter I suppose.
I’m tempted just to fire them over the wall and onto the road tbh.