Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Blackie and Johnny Connors?


The wan in the Field was tidy

One of them kept calling me daddy which was very off putting but i managed to stay the course.

Could you possibly have been her daddy?

Traveller girls donā€™t have sex outside of marriage.



Thatā€™s nearly as good as the wan about the crowd in Clondrinagh being pure as the driven snow

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What about traveller women?
Cc @glenshane

Iā€™m sorry thats what she told you pal.

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I wouldnā€™t know much about the wider family tbh. Just the few lads that called into us who seemed the finest.

I suppose if I had a hiace back in the day like Thomas Brady, Iā€™d have been elected.

Conners. One of the sons hurled to U21 with Clare

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"Of course your my first @habanerocat "

I was done in Kilkee one time with a lad doing a job. We got separated anyway one night and he arrived into work about 2pm the following day. Heā€™d pulled a traveller and couldnā€™t get her out of the van the following morning.

ā€œSure we can live in the van bossā€, say sheā€¦



The doughty Liberal reporter was able to deduce a lot of information about the driver by just looking at a parked car.


who is running that account, I have rarely seen the word ā€œallegedlyā€ so often

Didnā€™t realise @Locke would be checking in on Leo Sherlockā€™s far right site.

When Sherlock isnā€™t stealing content from other news organisations, heā€™s spreading far right propaganda

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I presume @locle is calling the tweet wrong guys.

First @Fran and now @Locke :cry: