Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Theyā€™re been at my door and in my house. The finest of people.

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Ah youā€™re lucky so. I had to call an ambulance and the guards when they came to ours.

A traveller family drinks in my local in Kildare. A new barman asked the manager about it. He was aghast and like that said they were the finest of people, I have been in their company and they are very sound, liked their drink but not a hint of trouble.

Itā€™s interesting to see how settled folkā€™s impression of travellers have changed rightly or wrongly. My hometown in Leitrim would have a negative view of travellers. Yet when a picture of old traveller folk from the area was posted on a Facebook page, the comments and likes were gushing in praise and affection.


My father would have great time for the old traveller people who were decent and worked for a bob. He however hasnā€™t much time for what we see nowadays, and with good reason from his pov.


Unfortunately a lot have gone down the drugs and serious crime route. But you do get some great families dotted around the place. There is a family based not far off the Coonagh roundabout, on the Clare sideā€¦ They used to be the solid finest. Huge Clare hurling supporters
I used to work for a furniture/ cabinet makers out that way and theyā€™d call in regularly for the wood shavings for their horsesā€¦ Saved me a job :pray:. They mainly called in for a bit of banter around hurling season. I saw one of the main protagonists last summer tipping into the Gaelic grounds for the round robin game. He seemed as chirpy as he was 20 years agoā€¦ Donā€™t know the family name but i wanted to share that cool story with you.
Of course, Iā€™m the only person on the forum that has made love to two members of the travelling community. An even cooler story :ok_hand:


Did either gentleman get in touch afterwards?


Thatā€™ll be Ned.

Did he have the Clare jersey on and shorts as white as the driven snow.

And a festy with Radio Galtee country greats on at full blast?

I was gonna make a similar gagā€¦ 'The women are also beautiful 'ā€¦ But i said Iā€™d leave that window open to the forum


You thought they were nurses but they were actually Ward sisters?


My father knew them well. Said they were decent.

Iā€™m not sure if they were Faulkners or not. Iā€™d say @LionelRitchie would know. I could have them mixed up.

Were some of them making flags for matches etc.? They gave my sister a free flag years ago when they recognised the father.

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My mother is a Ward you pup :open_mouth:

Johnny, Mick, ned, willie, bridie Connors. They were in and around my class in school. First named was trouble. But once he left, the others were the absolute finest

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Also edited

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Appropriate thread?!

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Iā€™ll edit accordingly. Apologies @maroonandwhite

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I drove in to a hotel once, well not the actual hotelā€¦ anyway my heart dropped when I saw there was what looked like a traveller wedding. We checked in and we were on the ground floor with double door to get outside. My hear sunk when theyvstarted drinking outside the door. I went out to show my presence (brought Rascal who was about 2 or 3).

There wasnā€™t a fucking peep out of them. Quitest wedding party Iā€™ve ever witnessed at a hotel. Didnā€™t even hear them going to bed. No sound in hallways.

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They all killed each other with machetes and slash hooks :man_shrugging:

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A local traveller came into one of the pubs at home once.

ā€˜Pint of Heinekenā€™ he orders.

ā€˜No drinkā€™ says the owner.

The traveller accepts, turns on his heel and walks out the door.

The owner turns to me and says ā€˜The cheeky cunt!!ā€™

We have a long way to go.

Iā€™ve never heard a quieter wedding. Reinforced the donā€™t judge a bookā€¦

And your sister?