Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

When horse racing and dog racing were the primary sources of betting money bookies offices were grimey places and betting was a dirty word. Online betting and tapping into football and lottery markets completely changed things and created a monstrosity.

Iā€™d love to see the Australian or French model where itā€™s a complete Tote system and a guaranteed amount of the turnover has to go back into the industry. Bookies do their best now to restrict good gamblers while milking the shit out of bad ones, all while contributing nothing but a bit of token sponsorship back to the industry while dictating the rules theyā€™ll operate in. A fuckin awful shower of cunts

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Thereā€™s some bad bastards on here leaving mac to fight the fight on his own

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Iā€™d say the most gambled-on event by volume of customers in any of the local bookies I frequent is people doing the lotto numbers. Racing of either type doesnā€™t matter a whit to them


Weā€™ll just end up going around in circles


Camel toe you mean?

If you work in a pub that shows the racing sometimes, they count you

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Did you read that in the report the FAI commissioned that was proven to be full of rubbish, written by a lad in a shed?!

Theyā€™re all talk in Cheltenham week though

Sinister stuff about the horsey set on Primetime now.


Weā€™re coming for the cunts

Itā€™s no surprise to see the middle class attack people who gamble.

Playing the lotto :white_check_mark:
Investing in shares :white_check_mark:
Betting on horses :x:

Itā€™s just another attack on the lower classes.

Looks to be a serious fraud going on.

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Iā€™m assuming this gets interesting soon

I saw on Twitter a few say it was a load of shite but have no doubts the middle class are coming for horse racing and rural Ireland in general.

And eat them

Especially the ā€œaward winning childrenā€™s authorā€ bit.

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Drink on board tonight I think

That will only happen if you put a bet on the outcome

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Did you read the response to the response

Just as a matter of interest, do you consider yourself upper or working class?