Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Man of the people.


Which people?

The animal abusing people

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Wouldn’t most horsey folk be middle class? It’s a very expensive hobby.

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Upper middle with a splatter of middle and lower middle. It’s an extortionate past time .

It needs to go.

You could meet anyone at the races all walks of life from any back round really.

Michael O’Leary is a champion of the working class mate

Yep he’s made it affordable for the working class to fly. It’s no wonder the middle class vote for climate change policies all the time.

Look what jp McManus has done for the Limerick gaa fans.

Broodan is half wummishly half seriously using the same tactic that is used in almost all public discourse or contentious debate in Ireland. Ally your side with the working class or common man and insist that your opponents are middle class/snobs who are out of touch. The funny thing is that a lot of people using the argument are often middle class themselves and it’s conveniently ignoring the fact that most people in Ireland are probably what is defined as middle class now.

There’s about 37 different definition of middle class. If one doesn’t stick we have others

It’s gas I was listening to a snippet of the 2 pm show this morning and you’d some fella bemoaning we’d a team of championship footballers and only two lads in the premier league nowadays and this was the governments fault.

No mention of when Ireland had lots of premier league players there was hardly foreigners and when the English sides started focusing on signing foreign players it was Irish and English lads who lost out.

In a cruel twist of faith when England finally sorted their academies out which used to be where the best young Irish lads went they also voted for Brexit to stop our best lads going.

Interesting Ian o riordan the great athletics journalist said he couldn’t ask for more funding. There has never been more running tracks in Ireland than before.

Kieran Cunningham not sure what rag he works for but he seems to spend the majority of his time bleating on about jurgen klopp and Liverpool is now desperately calling for more funding for athletics.

Why doesn’t he dedicate every one of his articles to athletics and give it some profile?

I remember the late and great Jerry Kieran looked for all grants to be pulled from the gaa and directed towards athletics and world war 3 nearly broke out. I remember him destroying Colm Parkinson in the process on Newstalk.

irony GIF


I have reason to pass the Curragh from time to time.

8:30am winter time the trainers get in their 4 wheel Merc SUV with heated seats and amble along while the lackeys freeze their nads and nassies off guiding the horses across the plains towards the racecourse. You see the lackeys cycling home in the afternoon. Very inclusive.

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I’d say the vast majority of trainers are verging on being broke.

They do it for the love of the horses then?

And this is the corrupt system that you support?

I’d imagine it’s a way of life for lots.


I think it was going better when I was left on my own to fight

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