Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

Thatā€™s where the parent comes in with a slap of realityā€¦ You snowflake.

What cunt doesnā€™t do Santa? Foreigners i bet?

Brazilian I think.

These foreigners are coming in groping our women, taking our student accommodation and now theyā€™re stealing the magic of Christmas from our childerā€¦

Multiculturalism doesnā€™t work.


All their presents come from the Amazon.


Youā€™d want to be telling the child the day of their Holy Communion that the Santa thing is what it is. Otherwise youā€™re lying to the child and theyā€™ll thank you in the future - as in thereā€™s no magic money tree etcā€¦.

I thought Iā€™d gotten a wheelbarrow one year and I barrelled up and down the yard on Christmas Day with the dogs as passengers - motor racing styleā€¦The following day Boxty MĆ³r was cleaning out sheds with it and the dream diedā€¦.


Iā€™m genuinely upset by my lassā€™ Christmas wish list. Cheapest thing on it is an Apple watch. A tracksuit that looks like youā€™d get it for a tenner in a Latvian market a snip at Ā£240.
Hoppy said he didnā€™t want anything until pressed when he said heā€™d like some big headphones as opposed to earbuds.


Iā€™d a pal tell me last week how his mother in law who is Muslim told his 3 year old over the phone there was no Santa.

He was hopping mad and only biding his time when heā€™s asked by the child about Mohammed.


Maybe she doesnā€™t have the money

Or sick of unnecessary plastic objects cluttering up the house.

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Since when is it fashionable to show the World Cup groups points totals live. As in the current match Arg/Mex is showing two matches played each when clearly that isnā€™t the case. The second match is only in progress.

And what does MP mean. Does that signify weā€™re gone live?

Itā€™s cruelā€¦ā€¦

A mate ripping off his mates.


Iā€™ve got a brother in law that ripped off my Dadā€¦ Iā€™m just biding my time


Donā€™t wait too long

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When you give these fackers enough ropeā€¦

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Heā€™ll want new earbuds instead of big headphones next Christmas :+1:


With money or by riding his mateā€™s wife ?

This fella released after he drugged, raped, murdered and tried to taint Nicola Furlongs memory in court and referred to the whole incident as an ā€œimbriglioā€.

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What a cunt


Bad cunt. Iā€™ve seen what heā€™s done on that family, Iā€™d have the bastard hung.