GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

Couldn’t argue with most of that, it just gets into preferences for final selections. I’d say Finn has already overtaken Murphy. Jackie Tyrrell is underrated on this forum too, he was incredibly dominant for a few years, more so than Paul Murphy I’d say, even if he wasn’t at that peak for as long a period.

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Tyrell was a very solid back for a decade or so but to me he wouldn’t have the same tools that a typical outstanding corner back had. He traded a lot on physicality and playing the game on his terms and there is nothing wrong with that. A bit like the Pat Mulcahy debate from last week, Tyrell and his style was probably as much suited to the half backline but wasn’t needed there and made a fine career for himself in the corner.

But I prefer a corner back who can go one on one and stay on the hip of his man and take him out of the game by simply reading it better and getting out in front. Paul Murphy had about 5 years where he was outstanding, but then regressed badly. While the likes of Sherlock, Murphy and Canning and these days Finn could play it any way you want it and dominate.


Hard to argue with that in fairness.

Yeah I don’t disagree with that. Canning and Finn the best I’ve seen. And I think canning could have been outstanding in any line on the field. I just think tyrell is underrated, scoffed at because of his media profile maybe. At his peak he was utterly dominant to a degree few players reach, and he bullied the opposition, Murphy didn’t do that.

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Eoin Murphy

Tommy Walsh
Brian Lohan
Ollie Canning

Brian Whelahan
Seánie McMahon
JJ Delaney

Probably eventually will be:

Eoin Murphy

Seán Finn
Brian Lohan
Tommy Walsh

Brian Whelahan
Seánie McMahon
JJ Delaney


Eoin Murphy

Seán Finn
JJ Delaney
Ollie Canning

Brian Whelahan
Seánie McMahon
Tommy Walsh

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Paul Murohy was very overrated and did not play well at all after 2015 Leinster Final.

Would it be fair to say Paul Murphy was excellent until teams stopped just hitting the ball as far as they can high on top of full back lines?

Half a dozen is overegging?

Damien Fitzhenry and Eoin Murphy clearly better. Who else, though? Not Cusack, Cummins or Fitzgerald.

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Ger Cunningham, Seamus Durack and the three you mentioned are all in that conversation.

Durack, for sure. Not Cunningham, for me.

Is Eoin Murphy not really over rated?

Cummins was outstanding for incredibly long period. Cusack has had a bigger influence on how the game is played or developed than any other modern player. Fitz had massive impacts for Clare with his penalty taking on top of goalkeeping. All three ahead of Murphy for me.

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He is very very good but I think has benefitted from marginal calls for all stars when they’re casting around for someone to give one to a different county in recent years.

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Nobody is talking about Nash…they changed a rule because of him

Fair enough if you think so. But restarts are a massive part of the modern game and Kilkenny are terrible at them. The responsibility doesn’t all rest with Murphy but until it improves for the team there is a lack in his game.

He’s benefited from playing in front of a shite defends at times and gets plenty of shots taken on him.

It’s a common them in sports where the really best teams have a goalkeeper who isn’t really rated as a great because he usually sees so little action in their games.

Murphy is very good but definitely not an all time great.

You have not got a clue about hurling or hurlers.


I know more than you.


Shots fired ………