GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

I was also a boxing head.
And a rugby head.
A gaelic football head.
A hurling head.
A golf head.

I’m a sportsman. I played all sports. I don’t write about them.

I’m also a man, which you know fuck all about other than what you’ve read in books. But you’ll find out when I introduce myself to you.

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Can we call a truce and go back to talking hurling. :see_no_evil:


Every day is not a new day in all senses.

You are some sort of a weirdo with an obsession about me.

Quite creepy as well.

Can we get back to discussing All Stars now? That okay with you?

Vintage TFK :grinning:


Irony alert.


Stop making a show of yourself and I will stop with the pointing and laughing.

Nicky Quaid.
Seamus Shinnors

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The likes of you is ten a penny.

Introduce yourself away. A hooligan never bothered me, like any other herd animal.

Seamus Shinnors did a job for a few counties.
He had an effect that no other keeper has ever had.
He gave me PTSD

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Do you want to introduce yourself to me as well?

When is Fossetts next in Kilkenny?

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You have a very bad misconception of me.

I’m not a hooligan, nor am I a violent person.

I’m also not a coward. That comment you made is despicable and I’ll make an exception for you, because of it.

You cannot go around throwing out comments like that and expect to get it away with it, you asked me to own mine. I fucking promise you, you’ll own that one.

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I never saw him play so I can’t comment really. He is seems to be regularly left out of the all time great discussions, or at least is not a top name mentioned. As I said, my father reckoned he’d be up there with the like of ring and shefflin and canning as absolute an absolute all time great.


This is only the warm up for the meltdown here when Jamie Barron trumps WOD again on Friday night.

It’s no enyego mantoya.

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Easy see what triggers you. I repeat: you went down the Joe Duffy road of mentioning children instead of providing a coherent argument. I repeat: i find that craic creepy.

You barrelled into this thread because you are a soccer head who does not like being called out on it. And you have some sort of an obsession about me. Tough, so to speak.

Guys can we stop talking about bog hockey here and get Eddie Hearn on the line.

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Too fcuking right I will.

You really are an oddball.

If you think so, why did you, uninvited, send me a personal message the other day out the blue?

Apologies to the many interesting and informed people who wanted to discuss hurlera and hurling… I dismissed a dismissive comment about Eoin Murphy. Then we had an avalache of weirdos and obsessives. Not sure what I can do about that.