GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

Look, this reality will hit hard for someone of your ego and obsessiveness but I do not care either way. You have just made a show of yourself – and to what end?

I think Henry Shefflin is very lucky to make that team

on the other hand, you’ve come out of this remarkably well haven’t you.

an apology is all it will take

He was an excellent centre back. Utterly dominant on his day and should rightfully be in the conversation when discussing the great centre backs of the game.

He’ll get in as manager in three years.

No, I did not. Who started the reference to writing about hurling? And am I meant to be amnesiac about earlier comments to me?

If anyone else carried on like that soccer head faux hooligan, you would be letting on to be outraged. But you are, because that stuff was addressed to me, grand with it.

Be a hypocrite away but allow me a wide berth.

Of all time

no it’s because you called me a creep about children. In nobody’s book is that ok. Certainly not mine. And certainly not forgettable or allowable.

So he was mentally destroyed all through 1999?

That doesn’t seem very likely, not many HOTYs would be that poorly

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Listen, I stick to my guns. If you do not like it, so be it. No one, least of all me, ever compelled you to say anything to me. You started the shite. As usual, I blew it away.

Your world is populist guff. Mine is not. There it is.

The best exponent of modern midfield play in terms of positioning and distribution is Cha Fitz. There wasn’t a better hurler in the country imo between 2006-2008.

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There’s only two current Limerick players that might make that discussion but we’ll have to wait 10 years to have it.

You need to look at yourself if you think any argument can be won by mentioning ‘dah childer’. It is clear what I referencing, your earlier bullshit about 10yos in a Waterford soccer club. As I said at the time: would the issue be any different if they were 15yos or 18yos?

This stuff is pathetic.

Corcoran probably doesn’t get enough credit as Cork were in the doldrums in many of his playing years (93-97) and the fact he took a few years out. He doesn’t have the longevity of others.

A totemic figure on all Cork teams he played with. His presence allowed the the Carkness of those around him to flourish. He’d be an ideal presence for their present day outfit.

It’s often forgotten that he was a very good footballer also.


you can get fucked.

You said what you said and you’re sticking to your guns because you can’t accept being challenged.

You’ve made your bed

Seán Finn and Cian Lynch? Be interesting to see how Colin Coughlan, Adam English and Cathal O’Neill get on.

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Joe canning at midfield?:joy:

Look, have the last word. I could not care less. You are the lad who thought he could wade in with more shite because you could not accept getting hockeyed, so to speak, talking shite about the GAA.

I despise Joe Duffy’s shite and I despise your soccer head shite. End of.

you don’t get to say what you said, I’m afraid

I didn’t realise there was a real list😀
I thought we were talking shit.

I’m not surprised to see JBM there but I wouldn’t have him near it, John Fenton has shocked me