GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

we’ll be singing the De banks again soon @gilgamboa

5 minutes to go… 8 points clear, soft rain falling…champagne hurling and the bench being emptied


He’d be a colossal loss to ye. I recall him get a bit of a cleaning from Liam Lynch v Limerick Minors in 2020 but last year he was outstanding to be fair.

Downey has some improving to do to fill 6 for ye :grimacing: But it was done with Limerick players who turned inside out as players since 2017 so look, it can be done.

I genuinely think Limerick are going to push on again, up another level. All the right signs in the camp. Even after the 2020 and 2021 All Ireland wins they’re still absolutely sick about 2019 and it seems to be driving them. There’s zero sign of complacency or being happy with what they have. There’s a couple of really talented young lads to be brought in over next year or two to put the squeeze on and also rumours of Kiely about to wield the axe on the panel to shake things up with the lads pushing for places…I think they can sustain this for another few years.


The Canon will rise out of the grave as Liam McCarthy is raised…


Tis all cycles lads. This too will pass. Remember when Kilkenny had the two best teams in Ireland.


No just no. LOL. I suspect this yrs minors might well be a generational side but the last 2 U20 sides are littered with average hurlers.

Don’t know what happened there

We’ll be here alright

What’s the biggest change you see in him under Kinnerk ?
I think limerick at very lucky to have someone like kiely who has no problem getting in people that are better than him at certain things… compare it to kk

The Carkies are as giddy as we were with the three in a row U21. That ended well.


Did someone say Baker was non existent v Cork in 99? Clare had that game won only Baker got injured. Cork were blessed to win that game.

Eddie Brennan, harsh on Eddie but yer man might have been the best of all of them with a clear run at it.

Fast Eddie greater but Power was a better player.

Suppose ya can’t give it on what fellas might have done

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Mickey O’Connell bursted him with a filthy one

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will you go way out of that
he walked off half way thru the second half a beaten man… feargal mccormack hit him an awful box

You must have been after a few pints watching that game mate.

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And that’s why Eddie gets the nod.

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Bellies full though. Well ready for the 45 year hibernation

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Positionally he is in right place all the time. His distribution is way better.

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It’s all conjecture at this stage.

Ye won the league in 98. Ye beat Waterford before a full house in Thurles. Seanie O Farrell the butcher from Castlemartyr bullied our deaf corner back Mark O’Sullivan and scored a couple of goals that were the winning of the game on a very hot April day.

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Seanie is from Carraigtwohill