GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

are you disappointed I sent your man crush away with his tae in a mug?

You don’t need to fight his battles for him. I can turn on you if you want?

That’s Cork that won no All Stars?

Cork won.

You can see it here with lads from the ‘traditional’ counties… Not an ounce of recognition or respect given. That’s what you’re up against.

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Apologies Dan, in all the excitement I misread a post of yours. I take that back. Carry on.

Ah stop.

It’s been acknowledged that Limerick are a spectacularly good team.
Rightful winners and looking odds on to do at least another 5 this decade.

Now, if idiocy is a symptom of success that leans upon the idea that DOD deserves an All Star over Barron for example then god bless.

Yes they did. But you are simply looking at the scoring stats and scoreline and deducing that Kelly didn’t play well.

It was Clare’s 4th game in 5 weeks and the majority of Clare players didn’t fire the same day and Clare collectively made a lot of unforced errors which you can’t afford to make. Kelly put Clare on his back in the second half and almost got them over the line with an outstanding performance.

You can argue whether he deserves an all star or not but if you are trying to argue that his performance v Cork wasn’t particularly good as you mentioned in an earlier post then you obviously didn’t see the game or are a very poor judge.

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Yes, I’m real disappointed. :joy:

Well deserved, there’s have been no complaints if they got all 15 really.

I don’t watch games as closely as the rest of ye obviously, incredible recall on display :grinning:



You asked which games did he d wreck in and mentioned the Cork game as if it wasn’t a standout performance.

I also notice you left out 5 points from play performance v Waterford too

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I asked a question. I didn’t say he played bad. I didn’t see the matches. They weren’t of consequence. You’re just making stuff up now

Could someone take a stab at the All Star replacement team please?


As good as Lynch in the final? Hayes in the Munster Final. Kelly lucky to get an award. It may be due to this.


A synopsis of conversations so far this morning in cork. How is there no cork player in the team? Me should be 15 Limerick shouldn’t be any tokens.

Hoggie deserves one he’s a servant to cork and was their top scorer. Me again no tokens and Gillane was limericks top scorer and didn’t get one.

Sean O donogue should have got one. Me 140 mins pf championship hurling and limerick beat cork by 24 points. Who will miss out sean finn? Delusion

Tim o mah- me stop. One great run vs Dublin and handing the ball to kk to bring the semi to ET won’t get you a token

The rebels are great underdogs. Me 3-32 to 1-22.


So you are questioning how someone made the All Star team despite not seeing them play this year?

And I the bigger eejit to be arguing with you


The end……

There was an awful hatchet job and character assassination done on Barron in sections of the media over the Casey sending off and all the windmilling that went on to get Casey off. Barron was caught in the crossfire and it done him for the All Star really.


Of course I’d ask a question of how he deserved one if I hadn’t seen him play, what else would I do? Make up my mind without. I asked you a genuine question.

You’re in an awful lather.

2018 was grand but we should have got off the stage after that

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