GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

Keeps him away from a foreign trip…

Peter Casey???

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It seems the journos will find a way, any way, to shoehorn a Kilkenny lad in somewhere, no matter what.

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And sure Barron didn’t deserve one after his vicious assault on Peter Casey.

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Who did Stephen Bennett assault again?

In fairness TK at midfield - Harnedy in for Hego and Quaid in for Murphy and most here could shake hands and walk away.
Dan Morrissey was unlucky to be injured at the start of the year because he moved Limerick to another level.

Ah sure look we are happy enough with the token one. I’m wondering is it the town of Dungarvan’s first All Star?

Dan did well but Jesus the idea he “moved Lk to another level “ is fanciful

The big travesty here is that an inanimate object didn’t get one.

The whiteboard is very hard done by

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Just the 12 lads, was it? Just the record smashing 12, yeah?

If I was Eoin Murphy, I’d be working from home today. Jesus, you’d be embarrassed.


Ballhopping aside.

Seriously, Nickie is very hard done by. You almost can’t improve on the all round standards he’s achieved as a goalkeeper, from organising, safety of the square, high ball, stopping and above all strategy and puckouts, the timing, pace, accuracy and game management of them is unrivalled.

I dunno. It’s as bad an oversight as there’s been I think


The people have spoken

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I agree. Strikes me as a man with a vaunted ego. Seeing all others around him decorated, will hopefully stir added competitiveness in him.

Flanagan lucky? :rofl:

It’s actually incredibly unfair on Eoin Murphy too. One of the all time great keepers, along with Quaid, having to accept an oul token award that he knows he does not deserve this year. To ask a great player like Murphy to do that is an insult. I’d say he’s absolutely disgusted this morning. Winners know when they deserve something, Murphy is a winner and it will absolutely gall him to be used as a pawn so that the Leinster Champions get one.


Takaka Rain, baby. Takaka fucking Rain.

12, in case you missed it. Twelve. And should be more.




Gas man

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An all star for every day of the festive season


I think ultimately Nickie Quaid letting in a savable shot in the Final has cost him but that doesn’t suit the narrative around here.