GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

They fucked John Taylor

Tom Morrissey was at his very best the other day but he has been off all year. It’s very likely himself and Flanagan will get one when the time comes but talk now is premature. Gillane is a cert and I think Hegarty is close enough too considering how consistent he is.

The first game for All star consideration was Sunday, so in that regard Flanagan, Tom, Hego, Nash, Finn are all in.


Completely Sundays game will fall under the selectors remit because it was an epic, performances from semi final onwards really is all that matters

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In a way thats how it should be done although you’ll have lads talking shite on podcasts and the like that’ll swing it for a certain player or two.

Barry Nash is HOTY. Tell the world.


Look at how Limerick are evolving to work atound teams shutting down the middle third. Short puck outs to nash to ping the corners. Pressure on the half backs? Turn back and give it to Mash to ping it up. He has been outstanding. Nips in for the odd point when he gets forward too. Defensively rock solid. We can go on about kelly, we all see how good he is but if more watched Nash they will see

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To be fair I thought Graham Mul deserved one one year but Lynch got it after a handy media campaign after the final I thought. He didn’t even get nominated as far as I remember even though he was favourite with the bookies or close enough. Nash could do with all the help in the world if Gillane, Flanagan or Hegarty keep motoring.

Watched more?

I tipped Barry Nash for HOTY back in January before the hipsters latched onto it and was sneered at by a few on here (cc @Fagan_ODowd) but I’ve them fuckin posts bookmarked so I do and the cunts who liked em too.

When you know your stuff, you know your stuff


It was an actual rule. I can’t remember when they changed it.

So you liked him before he was cool and everyone knew about him?

After they fucked over john Taylor

That’s what I said wasn’t it? Before the Craft Beer crew jumped on him for HOTY

Have you the weekends lotto numbers?

No but back 17 and 21 to come out in the local bookies :ok_hand:

Will Rian O’Neill win an All Star?

Don’t really see any other quarter-finalist in with a shout.

Has to

Between him and COC.

Would the Armagh keeper have a chance? None of the semi final keepers are particularly good

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