GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

It’s an imaginary rivalry with Clare to make themselves feel important. Clare have all Ireland medals falling out of their arse pockets and all of them married to Limerick women


That’s bollox

She sounds like a real catch :grinning:

Christ that was unreal there today.
Its a long time since iv seen a fella go the way yerman @Your_Mums_Athletic did for a few hours today.

I’ve never seen a fella as unsuited for the INTERNET as that boy. He reminded me an awful lot of that @twiceasnice97 oddjob.


Nuala from Ballylanders?

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Id say you won’t see yerman @Your_Mums_Athletic again after that.
He was like a young lad sitting into a vw golf after coming out of a nightclub above in Donegal fucking off down the road and ploughing into a stone wall.


Maybe he had things to do? He had you hopping anyway

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What had he to do?

He destroyed a few lads alright … they’re still going on about it 8 hours later.


Who the fuck are you?

Work, kids…are you on here 24/7?

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A single alias.

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Guys this thread is really affecting my enjoyment of our mediocre All Ireland.

I watched the kk game back last night and it was far from mediocre. It was savage stuff.

I has the final taped* on three hard-drives so I will have easy access to finally enjoy it in full when the time is right.

*I know

Fucking hell :grin:

@Bandage @Your_Mums_Athletic


Who wins ?? I think Kyle Hayes

I’d give it to Hayes but wouldn’t quibble with Fitzgibbon winning it. Coleman in the bronze medal position.

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Which one will retire with the most All Ireland medals?
I think Fitzgibbon is the best young hurler in the country, close to being the best hurler (but I would say that)
Hayes deserves it because he was on the wining team