GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

Odd selection. No way did Cluxton deserve it over Beggan.

Didn’t think Cooper or Ryan McHugh deserved one. Would have made more sense to put Cavanagh at midfield, Howard at wing forward and give Eoghan Ban Gallagher one in the full back line.

It was the All Ireland Final. Cavanagh was Tyrone’s senior player and he went awol on the day he was needed most.

I actually LOL, it kinda surprised me.

Mark Coleman can’t get yhoty as he cost Cork a 21 All Ireland. Then again they gave the fat lad from donegal an all star the year he cost them the All Ireland final so anything is possible

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There are certain guys the media jump on - Coleman is wan. Canning and Mannion are two others wans. Just watch the Limerick lads be shafted … as you can see on here over the last few days there’s a lot of anger towards Limerick - a lot of lads now seemingly congratulated us through gritted teeth.

Except the Clare lads it must be noted … they have no teeth.


Are you fucking dreaming, Byrnes doesn’t deserve it. Morrissey does alright.

All this whinging aloud from the LK Tifosi could really damage their players chances.


Byrnes :-1:
Morrissey :+1:

Can you please be serious for once.

You might be mistaking Byrnes for someone else. The Hannon lad beside him maybe. Both are tall and have hurls.


Come off it, bar Mulcahy you could only look at T Morrissey had a HOTY winner.


I’m talking All Stars — Both Limerick wing backs deserve one but they’ll be shafted to keep the media darlings, Galway, happy.

I’d suggest an Omertà pending the results being announced tomorrow night It’s important the nominees heads are right when they clip their bow ties on and head into battle and any discourse on here is at best a distraction


Proper All Star half back line.

Mannion - Hannon - Morrissey

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Are you now snorting your huel?

It’s too late

Byrne’s is an overrated Donkey of a hurler. Hip, whip & lots of wides doesn’t cut it when it comes down to All Stars.

bioavailability via the mucous membranes is not great

Ah fuck, those fools.