GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

I’m so bored I’ve been re-listening to the excellent Galway hurling podcasts, mostly about the U20’s as all this Midwestern growth hormone shenanigans has quite spoiled the senior for me.
Anyhow, you’d have to say Galway are worth 18 or 19 all stars at u20.
The lads did say that whilst the kk u20 team were ugly as a pack of jabbas, they were hard done by the ref in the Leinster semi final.

Ah that’s outstanding seethe in fairness

They’d want to grow five or six inches as well.

The chokers he says :laughing:

Is it 5 or 6 finals Waterford have stunk out since they last won it?

Michael Jordan wasn’t even born… he still had to go through school and college , have a stellar NBA career, retire, came back and win some more, retire again, come back, then retire again, wait 16 years and make a documentary about his career and enemies and Waterford still haven’t won an AI in all that time.

We’ve had the troubles, and 20 years of peace after the troubles, and Waterford still haven’t won one …

Even if they did, they’d still have no balls so it’s all the one.

Apologies, I left growth hormone off that list.

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Nice rant in fairness but I still can’t believe the chokers got 6 All Stars in 94! SIX!!

Dare to dream big and big things happen.

GAA players looked a lot older in 94, even the young ones. A few of them lads look like Hugh Sproat and Nivaldo

You must love getting your hole kicked.

Did Galway per chance send back the 100k jp gave them a couple of years back. In for a penny and all that malarkey. Doesn’t matter now flatty. Limerick are looking in their rear view mirror back at Galway

More of a miracle how Waterford managed 3 out of sympathy in yet another turkey shoot. Well at least you have the consolation of being involved in what is generally considered to be the two best AIF performances of all time

Good man

Sure Leahy got an all star that year and he didn’t even play championship.


Yes a scandal and leaving the HOTY out of the team. In the days of knockout championship the league carried greater weight when picking all stars, still and all the 94 all star team was shocking

By whom?

So TDB, Bennett and Barron got all stars out of sympathy? Go back to bed boy


tenor (71)

Ditto Lynch