GAA Managerial Merrygoround Thread

WTF are you on about? I’m not trying to get away with anything. It’s a very fucking simple deal. They were attempting to renege and are showing typical gah signs of reneaging at the next attempt.

I have done absolutely nothing incorrectly, I’ve been beyond professional.

Beyond professional? Moaning on the internet about it?

Professional would be contacting the chairman or treasurer directly, explaining the situation, seeking clarity on why, in your opinion, this guy is meddling in the teams affairs and how this can be ultimately resolved to the benefit of all concerned. All done in private without rancour or resentment.

A guy harmlessly “queried” your expenses and you call it reneging…FFS. A harmless query has tickled your tail.
IMO the “village idiot” (loosely put) knows you and has decided to stuff a firecracker up your arse and bejaysus has it exploded. These guys are the club, whether elected or not. He has every right to query your expenses, shur’ the most of the shite you’re batin’ into them lads you learned from lapsed poster The Runt.
There was a lad with coaching skills…

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Im just wondering out of interest, and if it was under the table what recourse have you if a club just refused payment altogether

Not much I’d say

Reading the last 60 odd posts, I’m not sure if this is the right thread for this but Jack Sheedy is gone from Longford


@caoimhaoin is on the ball here. The club did a deal to obtain the supply of a service and should honour it. Full stop.

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You most likely have (albeit we only have your word for it of course), but if its discovered you’ve been bitching on the internet about a Club that has obtained your services it won’t go down well, and won’t assist you going forward. You seem to have been around a lot of clubs, it shouldn’t surprise you that this sort of thing goes on at a huge amount of them.

Budget presumably agreed start of year. Manager has autonomy to then do what he needs. If this committee member started querying team selection he would be regarded as stepping over line. Querying s and c training is beyond his remit once the budget was agreed.

At end of year is time for analysis and he can then raise questions for next year and next year’s budget.

@caoimhaoin is right to be annoyed but manager should have nipped this challenge to his authority in the bud

Whats the weather like there?

He said I shouldn’t be paid. Why are all ye lads so illiterate?

I have no problem with questions and have often shoot the shit after training with other club coaches or players or anyone wanted a hand with gym work or a kids warm up or whatever. I take calls on it, I have taken many many PM’s here on it. I’d talk about the shit all day.

I come from a gaa background, I deeply understand the politics, and I know what this was.

TUM - They skipped the manager, i got this guff when eventually chasing down the cheque. They know the manager would tell them get fucked.

Its the smart thing to do these days. Get a budget and do your own thing. This year my own club refused to buy a tactics board for us because of a floor objection. Where as if we had a budget you just do what you feel is best.


Seriously? They are like €50?

To be honest in the past I would stay on top of it weekly, and if there is any hassle you just don’t turn up to training. Not ideal, but usually only happens once and players will get pissed off. You simply cannot trust GAA clubs.
My own club lost a brilliant coach a few years ago due to that messing and it turned out it was the hurling side in the club objecting.

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Ya. Was not there but it was along the lines of “what the fuck would you need that for”. You could write a book on our club. Close enough to rock bottom so hopefully in the next year or two it will start to recover.

Bought it myself in the end.


Unfortunately due to shite like this there is a pressing need for players to go to club meetings. My own club entitles players to go to any committee meetings so this kind of shite can be shot down.

If there is an agreement to pay a man for the skills he is bringing in that should be upheld, to withhold a cheque on the back of one poor performance is a joke. Too often the Club will kowtow to the will of ignoramus who knows nothing about the game but will enjoy reagling the locals of how he put his foot down to stop that “blow-in” getting paid, “sure all he does is put cones down”

in this instance i’ll side with Kev ive seen too many lads get fucked over by the GAA.

I back Kev 100% here.

That wasn’t really clear from your post. You said he asked for more detail than what you’re providing. If he said that you shouldn’t be paid for your work then that’s a different matter.

As the level of criticism of Kev rose the level of detail he provided to back up his side of the story also rose.

Read the last line. Fairly straight forward what I said.