GAA Managerial Merrygoround Thread

Yeah right, a non elected committee member has no say & could not stop payment by a Treasurer.

You’ve made a right clown of yourself here.

Informative. No just out of pure interest, nothing personal, does the taxman know about this gig?

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gone to the dogs it is

I can read just fine, you flute.

Most GAA clubs these days are struggling financially. In most areas it’s the same people who are joined up to the weekly GAA, soccer and community area lotto. It’s the same people who go the the table quizzes, contribute to the bake sale and church gate collection. When funds are tight I don’t see how anyone can have an issue with a genuine club member seeking clarification as to how hard earned funds are being spent. To raise say €10k is a big undertaking for most clubs and societies.

If anything it’s good corporate governance to ensure funds are being spent appropriately. Otherwise there would be anarchy. Provided he asked in a civil manner I can’t see the issue with a paid outsider being asked to account for their expenses. In fairness the club member will still be around supporting or involved with the club long after a paid outsider has left.


A Guard wouldn’t ask you that in fairness.

I’m doing the S&C and skills for the club, what else does he want to fucking know?

The rate is agreed at the start of the year, per session. I put in sessions, dates and venues.

It was a clear attempt to rob money from me. Agreed money. The manager did nothing wrong, I did nothing wrong. What the chairman should have done is told them he is brought in to do A,B & C as agreed. He actually has no right to ask me for anything more.

It’s fairly black and white.

Now if someone genuinely wanted to know what was going on they would call down and watch like some people do.
Only 6 weeks earlier I was the best thing since sliced pan. My points still remains, going back to the original response a large number of “GAA people” who haven’T a notion what really goes on in preparing teams now

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The language is very revealling here. Instead of paid professional it’s a paid “outsider”.

But you are.

Said himself his club don’t pay him, presumably because he’s an insider, not because he’s not a professional. Not sure what his issue is with the terminology tbh.

Didn’t he only ask for clarification on the invoices - I don’t think that equates to trying to “rob” anyone. He didn’t openly say “we’re not paying you”, did he?

Clubs are skint. Appointing paid outsiders or paid professionals or whatever you want to call them - it still amounts to the same thing. They need to be paid. How are they paid? It comes from club funds. Who funds the clubs? The ordinary members. The lad who asked you in this instance is a club member. Perfectly valid in my book, as long as he did so in a reasonable manner.

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With all due respect, what you are is a quack in a profession of quacks. You are consistently on here calling out your “peers” on their poor and outdated methods and how you are omniscient on all things S&C. Then we have you acting all affronted on here because a guy who pays you your money has questioned your worth, the irony seems to have got lost on you somewhere along the way.

S&C coaches are snake oil salesmen, the same with sports psychologists, physios and all other appendages to the professional sports world in the past 20 years or so.

I think you vastly exaggerate your importance and knowledge.

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Alright kev. There’s 2 scenarios here.

  1. Everyone here is out to get you and they know fuck all about anything and are unreasonable. Everyone.
  2. You might be getting a little overheated about this.

Fucked if I know which it is.


It’s all about the population you are talking to. All I see is defensiveness. And one unhappy cunt who has no idea what he is talking about.

Anyone who knows the real workings of the GAA knows what was going on.

In any other walk of life these same people would think this clown was way out of line.

Stop :raised_hand: lads

A bit of advice for kev. If you act very friendly and nice to committee members and club members they’ll let you away with a lot more


My deep knowledge of sports phisiology is legendary. My importance is over rated alright. Everyone’s role bar the players is over rated. Talent & desire trumps everything else

Who considers it legendary?

This thread was on manager s now ruined