GAA Managerial Merrygoround Thread


You’re an idiot.

You may not be far off the mark here. Of course then theres the expenses thing that I doubt has gone away. I imagine last year was cheaper ran than Horan’s reigeme shall we say.

Get Horan in, go balls out for one full year. Get the lads in Dublin to toss in the jobs, move back, get them jobs mickey mousing around summer camps, etc, give it the full year, and see what happens. Thats the mental shit thats required in the modern game sadly.


For the obvious reason that Horan effectively built this Mayo team into what it is, and there’s an extremely close bond between him and the players.

Ironically Holmes and Connelly are responsible for two of Mayo’s three national triumph in the past 15 years.

This was arguably their best Championship performance to date as well.

Smacks of the delusion of this set of players.


County Board involvement will no doubt muddy the waters. Mike Connelly will likely want to dig in as he’ll see his chairmanship under threat if the management go. Of course it’ll be under much greater threat if he digs in than if he accepts the inevitable happening and lets the management step aside with dignity left intact, but that’s not how GAA politicians generally see things.

There was a lot of disquiet about McStay not getting the job last year (mainly about the selection process in fairness), but also criticism of the joint manager arrangement, which is interesting given that McStay has agreed to be joint manager of Roscommon. I don’t like joint manager arrangements, myself.

One man one idea.
He then has a couple of people to lean on. And they have to buy in.

Have to agree somewhat with Bomber on this.

Horan was excellent but it was widely condidered he had brought them as far as he could and they needed a change in tactical approach. The new lads achieved this to some extent, the move of O’Shea and use of Moran as a sweeper against Donegal were hailed as masterstrokes, despite the obvious other deficiencies that weren’t addressed. But they weren’t addressed under Horan either.

Is Horan really the man to come in and remedy the deficiencies that were there this year, and were there under his reign too?

Exactly. Sometimes one man needs to simply take control, and thats not possible in a communal environment. I’d love to see the fallout from the Kerry sideline during this years All Ireland. Diarmuid Murphy was seething at one point, seething. Fitzmaurice looked rooted to the spot. I’ve been curious for a while as to Cian O Neill’s influence down there at the best of times.

Marty Morrissey was on the news the other evening stating (according to his sources) the management team has no intention of stepping down. Is this still the case?

What are the issues of the players re Holmes and Connelly?

The bus was delayed.

Mayo County Board due to have meeting with players reps tonight. That would appear the next step according to CB secretary in this interview

Incidentally, Vincent sounds like some fucking roaster.

Which bus?

The one to Derry or something.


You could also say that Dublin required a change in tactical approach after shipping three goals in the 2013 and 2014 All-Ireland semi-finals. Jim Gavin was able to adapt his tactics when some thought he wouldn’t be able to, but he also got lucky that Mayo didn’t put them away the first day this year.

For me Mayo got closer in 2014 in than 2013, when they in turn got closer than 2012. Those semi-finals against Kerry demonstrate the effect of chance events more than any other games in modern GAA history. Mayo were the better team for the majority of those matches.

Horan made his decision to resign the night of the semi-final defeat to Kerry and reading between the lines of what he’s had to say on radio I’d say he’s had more than a few sleepless nights regretting that decision.

Sure there were tactical deficiencies which may or may not be remedied if he comes back but they have the best chance of doing it under him, because he’s clearly the man the players want. The Mayo players are far from deluded in this move. They know they have one more great chance to win the All-Ireland next year if they have a management they believe in.

Noel Connelly hasn’t aged well, chaps. Wasn’t he their fresh-faced young captain back in 1996?

They can believe all they want but I think they need some fairly radical system changes.


What a bunch of precious cunts.

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Shit article by Malachy Clerkin too. Getting a few insignificant stories/grievances off the record from the gutless loser bastards and then writing a piece around it where he agrees with them. How about speaking to the management too, shithead?



If Mayo want to win an All Ireland the players first need to grow a pair.