GAA Managerial Merrygoround Thread

Reaction I was expecting.

Seriously though, Cunningham would be a great appointment but would cost.

Is there no viable option within the County or is that an impossible dream?

I’ve been since assured Cunningham will not be available for the job. Having been on the inside and seen it for himself, that doesn’t surprise me.

No one really in the county, Joe Higgins made a cunt of his interview last time out, I was very disappointed to hear how he approached it. Maybe he’ll be smarter this time.

If we get Davy out who can we get @Raylan

Paying intercounty managers/coaches has to stop. A hurling selector/coach from Cork apparently gets €100k per year to give a dig out with another Munster county - it’s baffling really and the GAA centrally and/or Revenue need to step in diligently and determinedly here.

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Would Anthony Daly not be an absolute certainty to get the job Joe ?

Come back to me if and when he goes.

It’s not going to stop chief. I agree with you but it will not. A team like Limerick or Wexford who manage by default to find a decent ent manager is boss office for the GAA. Take a look at the attendances in 2013. The Munster Final was a sell out for the first time in years. 63k at the semi v Clare. Another sell out for the 2014 Munster Final and over 400 in Thurles for the quarter finals in 2014. Contrast that to barely 30k in Thurles yesterday. 27k at the Munster final and barely 150 at the Limerick Clare game this year.

No i hope

Nonsense, they should be paid and it should be out in the open.

For an accountant to suggest a person should give up 30-40 hours of their week for fuck all is a bit fucking rich.

Who is the Cork man getting 100k?

Think about it.

miskella is some chancer

There is around half a million of us

Hurling or football and what county

Cork hurlers involved as a coach/selector with another Munster county ?


The DOG’s on the street even know


GAA is a hobby as Joe Canning said yesterday. If somebody wants to be involved on the preparation side of things then they should tip away on the basis of it being a pastime too. Nobody is forcing anyone to give up 30/40 hours per week. It’s not a job / industry but if they must be paid then they should be employed by county boards, provincial councils and taxed accordingly.


Well said, pal.

  • +1 to that.

I agree with it being above board. In fact i said as much.

And if you don’t pay preperation and medical staff then you get charlatans.

I was paid, above board, last year and it cost me a fortune. Physios and S&C etc work at night, so they lose out. Nobody who is any good will do it without at least getting close to covering work time.

Life has changed but the gaa is in a half way house right now. I’d be all for it going back to a far more casual approach, but the reality is the horse has bolted.

I think aometimes there is jealousy that people get paid for something they enjoy. Another weird old irish trait. You should hate work.

If anyone deserves payment based on what they contribute and sacrifice surely it’s the players? Are they not the ones giving up the most time, their social lives, and in many cases their long term health? Isn’t it the players people pay to go to see rather than some braying jackasses on the sideline? In what other sport are the back room staff (many of whom are unqualified and wouldn’t be let manage a henhouse in the busines world) paid and players unpaid?