GAA Managerial Merrygoround Thread

No i wasn’t. Speed is an element and we have genetic ceilings. However environment and development still dictates ultimate speed.

Talent is a huge collection of things and ultinate success is nature & nurture.


You have to laugh at the clowns liking sids ignorance.

Not incorrect. Antonio Cassano is a guy who earned millions and played at the top level despite very little application. The talent was all natural and drupping out of him but he never trained hard, lived the correct lifestyle etc.

Some people have it and some don’t. We could give you all the private tuition you’d but we will still not get your spelling or grammar to a desirable level. All people are not born equal, some of us are just born with natural talents and others are not.

your an ignorant prick. Them girls have achieved a whole pile more on sports field than you ever will.

Of course there is people like Cassano. But do you not understand that he spent hours on end honing his skills in the streets, against the wall.

Don’t be fooled by his style, he worked to get to where he got to as well. Was it fun and easier than some others? Very likely.

Look at Cannavaro. Worked his bollix off to defy logic in alot of ways.

These are deeply studied subjects. There seems to be polar views on the fact of it with some people (nature v. Nurture/10000 hours/grit and all that shite) but the thing is most of the research and even the people selling the books land somewhere in the middle. Athletic success is a mix of many many things.

You have alot of life learning to do. I doubt you have the balls to move outside your comfort zone though. Do you still think decision making cannot not be improved in sport?

Do you think so at this stage you are as good as you get? Because thats limiting, and its sad. And it shows in your need to run down oeople who are complicated and educated beyond the halls of an IT.

within the next 4 years both Dublin and Mayo will also look very very different to what they do now.

Research on cognitive ability is now showing it has more effect on achievement than deliberate practice or environmental factors. Contradicts the view that anyone can get to top with enough focused effort of right kind. There is an ability threshold which determines where people end up. Can draw parallels with sporting ability.

Ciaran Kilkenny is somebody I know of - anybody from that club who knew him as a kid would say at 8 or 9 he was stand out talented. I see it now with group I am involved in - kids at 7 (3 or 4 from a group of 100 or so) able to hit a crossbar at will from penalty spot (hitting it 2 or 3 times in ten efforts) while other kids cannot kick a ball in a straight line or at all.

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Ta but they seem to be set up to evolve. And to be fair Kerry are similar. Thats what nembo doesn’t get. Wholesale change rarely is good overall. Thats why Cork are fucked. Cutbert and his ego “wanting to put his own stamp on it” nonsense.

But who is saying anybody can get to the top?

I am well aware of all this research, i have posted coaching articles here related to this.

Long held views were that performance is developed mainly through practice. Ability now shown to be main driver of achievement.

Not sure who held those views.

I think Kev has ousted TSG as chief fisherman on the board these past few weeks. Can’t believe people still fall for it. The worst was seeing @Gman reeled in again on Wednesday evening. Kev has achieved a level of consistency far beyond anything seen on the board before.

He has an amazing talent for carrying the ball in hand for 20 steps before playing it.

An ounce of breeding is worth a tonne of feeding.


So you now acknowledge the concept of natural talent which you said there was was “very little evidence for” previously.

I won a Bob Radcliffe cup you imbecile and played in a semi pro league. There is no ladies tournament as prostiguous as that on this island.

And grand girls they are too. Lovely girls. Girls. Girls. Girls.

How do you know he worked his bollocks? He is the first person to admit he never applied himself properly. He had natural ability. Natural talent exists, you see the footage of the likes of Maradona when he was 7/8, he was destined to be great. It was natural talent and ability and it exists

No matter all the tuition you might receive and the effort you make you will always be stupid. Life deals us hands, we are not born equal. We choose what to make of the hands we are dealt.

You choose to moan and bitch about it, others just get on with it.

They will but Dublin have a good 3-4 years left in this group.