GAA Parish Rule

Not aware myself, just something the old fella said about it in passing from talking to the Kerry boys at home.

On the transfer stuff, my understanding is that, once you have played U-16 for a club then thats your club. You can only then move to another club if you reside in thats clubs area. Your old club has to agree to transfer and then it has to be ratified. Your old club can try to stop any transfer and look for proof of address etc. If you can’t prove you live in the area you cannot transfer without stopping to play for 48 months.

Are ye lads telling me this does not apply in any of the mentioned areas, and if so, what the hell is the issue with Eamon Fennell all this time?

you still need to transfer from one side to the other and the side you are leaving would have to agree to the transfer

Not for the first time Kev your confused.
Your talking about two different things. In Limerick city for example you can declare for any club within the city boundary as long as you live within the city boundary. Transferring between clubs is not nessecarily as easy. While your address leaves you play for any club in the city, if your already registered at a club then that club can object to your transfer, then it all gets very messy.

In Kilmallock, lads from closely neighbouring parishes went to school in Kilmallock and hurled with the club

Which club in Limerick City would have the most members, presume it would be Na Piarsigh. Very few teams on the north of the city apart from themselves and LIT Sarfields I would say

He built a house in the parish of Mullinahone did he not?

In Kilmallock, lads from closely or nearly neighbouring parishes who may have gone to school, went to mass, or bought a packet of sweets in a shop in Kilmallock hurled with the club.

what about the 3 mcmorrow brothers farmer {kenneth,fabian,and justin},all played senior with 3 different clubs at the same time{g/manor,melvin gaels and glenfarne/kilty}that must be some kind of a record

Yes. :clap: :clap:

He did but there was obviously as issue with his home club if he wanted to leave it. Or is it against the rules to hurl for a club in Kilkenny if you no longer live in the parish? Surley not?

So then there is a form of the Parish rule in affect in these areas, which comes into play in the event of a transfer? Ya. That would make sense anyway. Because what ye were describing is totally different to what this case is about and what i was talking about in relation to transfers. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Julio.

Byrne had a falling out with his club. he is supposed to be a top notch trainer by the way.

are you sure, think tony og regan was knocked back from transferring from rahoon to liam mellowes a few years back (maybe it was castlegar though which would make sense i suppose.

the isolated player rule is one widely used in clare, lads in football clubs playing hurling for different clubs etc. dont know why they couldnt do this for players to play senior championship with their nearest club too, might stop a lot of the inter club transfers. .

no, sounds like you still dont get it. if you are born in an area without a defined parish rule, then when you start playing, you can pick whatever club you want. transferring rules still apply, but it needs the agreement of the club you are leaving, same as all transfers.

this case is hiding a lot of facts, did the kids play for the club that they reside in a few years back? if they havenet played at all there shouldnt have been any problems, it was lousy of the club to kick up a fuss over it. but the fact they are looking for a transfer means they must have done so, and it does seem there is a lot more to it than is being said.

Bad form alright but you’d imagine a club down there would be struggling for numbers and reluctant to let anyone go not to mind two young fellas.

There might be more to it but the club might be reluctant to set a precedent. You need good boundarys that can’t be in dispute, good fences make good neighbours :lol: . There is 2 clubs in North Kerry which share a border area of about a mile, so anyone from either side of the boundary within half a mile can play for either club they want. This has lead quite literally to neighbours playing against each other and all the hatred that comes with it. Its like Garvahy road when the two play with all the different flags up and the neighbours don’t talk to each other at all now.

Not our fault they wanted to play with a big club. At least we improved them.

Byrne is skills coach with Dublin now acording to Wiki.

if ever there was a club to know the intricacies of the beating the parish rule system…dirty ol mogues…

No Gman, there is Parish rule in Cork, but you can play with absolutely anyone as your first club. Players from my parish played with Nemo, players from Bishopstown played with us. Castlehaven wouldn’t survive if they didn’t have family members of ex-players coming back to play with them from the city. There is no issue as they never played with anyone else.

Parish rule comes into affect only in the case of transfers from what i understand. Those lads in Kerry must have togged out for the other crowd at some stage i’d say.

key words are bolded, every county is different,.

So the “Parish rule” changes from county to county?

That is pretty stupid really. The word Parish should be banned from use in Irish society anyway. You play for a club, not the fucking church.